Cheng Tien Chi (Hsiao Tien Hao), Lo Mang (Liang Chi Sheng), Chen Hui Min (Kembuchi Mudou), Chen Pei Hsi (Ah Shun/Junko), Wang Li (Li Ying Wu), Chu Ko (Chen Jun), Lung Tien Sheng (Brother Lei), Yu Tai Ping (Huang), Chao Kuo (Huang Han), Kuan Feng (Yuen Cheung, Leader of the Alliance), Chan Shen (Chief Hong)
Directed by Chang Cheh
Not even the best defense...can stop the ninjas!
Losing a tournament to decide the dominant faction in the martial world, Chief Hong tries to save face by enlisting the aid of a ferocious and mysterious group of Japanese martial arts experts. Led by the powerful ninja, Kembuchi Mudou, the valiant Alliance of Martial Artists are sent a challenge to face the Five Elements Formation. Knowing little to nothing of the ninjitsu arts, all eight heroic warriors are killed. Soon, Kembuchi and his ninja clan stealthily enter the Alliance and kill everyone within. One man, Hsiao Tien Hao, survives and returns to an old master that taught him some special skills years before.
Learning that his former elder teacher once studied ninjitsu while in Japan, Hsiao and three other men are taught the arts necessary for countering Kembuchi and his ninjas. Soon, Hsiao and his three brothers issue a similar challenge to the Japanese. With the Chinese fighters possessing equal fighting skills to their enemy, Hsiao seeks revenge for the death of his compatriots by the indomitable Five Element Ninjas.
The year prior to Chang Cheh's departure from Shaw Brothers studio, he delivered what is considered by many to be his masterpiece. While it is easily my favorite film from his long and illustrious resume, I would only consider it a masterpiece of action cinema. It has little to none of the sprawling majesty of his earlier big budget epics such as HEROIC ONES (1970), THE WATER MARGIN (1972) and its sequel ALL MEN ARE BROTHERS (1973), BOXER REBELLION (1975) and SEVEN MAN ARMY (1976) to name some of them.
What it does have is cartoonishly violent and gory action on a large scale. All of Chang Cheh's past exercises in masculine bravado is pushed to the max for this Wuxia/kung fu extravaganza. FIVE ELEMENT NINJAS (1982) is the Chang Cheh Greatest Hits package. Muscular and lithe heroes, ruthless and resourceful villains, a conniving female character and his patented spectacularly bloody scenes of death and bodily dismemberment.
The last shot contains some unintentional hilarity. It's not noticeable on first viewings, but if you slow down the film, you'll see Chu Ko knock Yu Tai Peng in the head as they destroy the 'Earth' emblem. For years I wondered why he fell the way he did as the film freeze frames just as 'The End' appears.
Aside from that, FIVE ELEMENT NINJAS (1982) is my favorite film of its kind. There's so much to like here. It's Chang Cheh at his creative and gruesome best. He was fascinated with bloody scenes; the bloodier the better. For this production, Cheh went crazy with his imagination and this works in the films favor. It definitely isn't a film to take seriously and the picture itself is very self aware of its own absurdity.
While the film exists solely to glorify fighting and characters dying in the most gruesomely over the top fashion possible, a small number of characterizations manage to shine through. Cheng Tien Chi, Lo Mang and Cheng Pei Hsi are given sufficent build up to learn who they are and what they are like.
If you are overly familiar with Cheh's past movies, than you will already have some idea of what the female character represents. In Cheh's movies, women are either helpless, or a tool to bring the hero to his death. The Kunoichi (female ninja spy) named Junko acts as a combination of both. Entering the Alliance on a ruse, she goes about performing various cleaning duties and preparing meals all the while taking notes of the base that the heroes have fortified with traps should the ninjas come.
Junko (or, Ah Shun as she initially calls herself) feigns falling in love with the stoic Liang Chi Sheng, an honorable man. While he's incredibly proficient in martial arts, he is unable to see through Junko's murderous intentions. Entering his room one evening, he finds her in his bed wearing nothing but a full body fishnet stocking. For saving her life, the woman offers her body as payment, but Liang refuses. He instead states that the two should marry first when the situation with the Japanese has been quelled. Of course, these kinds of men always end up badly in a Chang Cheh movie.
However, they always get the best and most bloodily dramatic send off. Despite being mortally wounded by Junko's ninja weaponry, Liang manages to take out about 30 ninjas before he exits stage right. One of the best fight scenes in the movie (and theirs a damn lot of them), Lo Mang displays fantastic rage as he courageously tries to free his injured and trapped master from his burning room.
FIVE ELEMENT NINJAS (1982) was filming during the latter part of 1981. Cheh was also filming HOUSE OF TRAPS and BRAVE ARCHER & HIS MATE as well. With his ninja epic, Cheh was going to introduce a young Taiwanese acrobat/kung fu practitioner who had dabbled in bit roles in several independent productions during the late 1970's.
Lo Mang was the Toad in the FIVE VENOMS (1978). He was formerly an accountant at Shaw's and became an actor at the insistence of Ti Lung. He co-starred in most of the venom movies alongside his colleagues Kuo Chui, Lu Feng, Sun Chien and Chiang Sheng. He split from the group in 1980 to do a solo project, LION VS. LION for director Hsu Hsia, a choreographer turned director. He also took on roles in such Shaw adventures as CLAN FEUDS (1982), the horror/Wuxia hybrid HUMAN LANTERNS (1982), THE BASTARD SWORDSMAN (1983) and the classic SECRET SERVICE OF THE IMPERIAL COURT (1984).
In Taiwan (and Maylaysia, too) where Chang's movies were better received during the 1980s, a slew of FIVE ELEMENT clones unspooled at a rapid pace. Former venom choreographer and classmate, Robert Tai Chi Hsien was responsible for many of these abominations. Some of the lesser entries include NINJA VS. SHAOLIN GUARD (1982), MAFIA VS. NINJA (1983), THE SUPER NINJA (1984) and NINJA HUNTER (1984). There were also the more accomplished entries from Lee Tso Nam such as LIFE OF A NINJA (1983) and CHALLENGE OF THE LADY NINJA (1983). Three of the venoms left Shaw's for Taiwan to make their own FIVE ELEMENTS clone called NINJA IN THE DEADLY TRAP (1984). It was an amalgamation of FIVE VENOMS (1978) and Chang's FIVE ELEMENT NINJAS. 'The Lizard', Kuo Chui directed. In their absence, Cheng Tien Chi and Chu Ko took over choreographing duties for the FIVE ELEMENT NINJAS.
It's a shame the film didn't grab the HK audience. Chang Cheh and Ni Kuang's script gives the film a grand and gaudy look taking full advantage of Shaw's more confined sets. One of the studios huge outdoor sets is seen once while the bulk of the picture is relegated to the stagey look interiors are prone to give off. It greatly benefits the film adding to its overall comic book flavor. The costumes and weapons are the most unique and extravagant among the Shaw Brothers catalog of movies. And that's saying a lot. The weapons the heroes use during the 30 minute fight filled finale is an ingenious contraption that would make both Bond and Batman envious. Concealing over a dozen weapons variations including a flag and stilts, it's easily the single greatest invention in kung fu film history apart from the guillotine weapon seen in Shaw's THE FLYING GUILLOTINE (1974).
Fire is an interesting element in that it also has some women warriors within its ranks. During Lung Tien Sheng's duel with the Fire ninjas, he manages to kill one of them (the only Alliance warrior who manages to do so), but realizes to his surprise it's a woman. We know she's female by virtue of her big breasts that show through her exposed fishnet undergarment. Lung's momentary pause also brings about his death as well. He holds on long enough to curse the villain (who appears in a cloud of red smoke) before succumbing to his stomach wound.
His guts are all over the place!!
The Earth is easily the most outrageous sequence in the film. The first time we see it in action, Huang Han (Chao Kuo) arrives only to be stabbed between his legs from underneath the ground. Brushing it off like it's just a scratch, the ninjas make their explosive appearance ripping themselves from the earth to do battle. Huang fights bravely and receives at least seven stab wounds down there. Chang Cheh goes further to the extreme by showing the man's intestines slowly seeping out and dragging along the ground.
Of course, this being a Chang film, the hero doesn't die just yet. Pushing an already outageous scene even further, Huang finally dies when he steps on his own innards while charging the leader of the ninjas. The villain then slices his chest open.
This lengthy sequence showcasing the Five Element Formation totally decimating the Alliance's eight fighters does an exceptional job making the ninjas out to be a force to be reckoned with. At the beginning, we see these same fighters run roughshod over Chief Hong's men. But when the Alliance's warriors go out to accept their challenge (they are all dressed in white; the color of death in China), they themselves are easily, and in some cases, quickly defeated.
Of course, the ninjas don't fight fair. Meaning 'the art of stealth', ninjitsu uses deceptive means to end the situation as quickly as possible. Regardless of the films overly fantastic nature, Chang Cheh did a great deal of research prior to filming this movie. No doubt some things have been embellished for creative license, but many of the weapons and the Element Formation itself are taken from ancient Japanese writings and collected works.
It was the first martial arts film I saw on television that had a major impression on me. Having seen many of them at the drive in with my parents at the time, FIVE ELEMENT NINJAS was special and quickly became my favorite movie. While horror and monster movies had been my main fascination up to that point, this movie was hugely influential on my young mind at the time.
It was also during this film that Lo Mang became one of my hero's. The scene where he is mortally wounded, but carries on fighting to save his master is the most adrenaline charged fight in the entire movie. Lo displays a lot of rage and determination in this sequence especially one shot where he grabs one of the black clad ninja and unloads a flurry of punches on the hapless fighter before drop kicking another through the air impaling him on the swords of the ninja behind him.
Lo's fight during the opening tournament scene is also memorable. Stepping up to clash with a samurai who managed to defeat one of the Alliance, Liang (Lo Mang) never uses a weapon and doesn't even bother with removing his cape(!) Witnessing the fight, it's obvious Liang is toying with the samurai and he easily defeats him taking the warriors sword away from him. This prompts the Japanese to commit seppuka setting the events in motion that bring the Alliance to their doom.
The battle between Chen and the four brothers during the finale of FIVE ELEMENT NINJAS is a highlight and among one of the best ever filmed. Interestingly, Hsiao suggests they fight separately to begin, but Brother Li interjects that they have more men. Hsiao has learned that the ninja do not fight honorably, nor do they fight one on one. So why should they do they same? Still, Kembuchi has several bloody tricks up his sleeve.
Chao Kuo was a young up and coming performer who arrived late on the scene just when Shaw's were having financial woes. He was another impressive discovery by Chang Cheh. He was seen briefly in MASKED AVENGERS (1981), but got a slightly more meatier role here. He was also the co-star of Chang's last Shaw picture, THE WEIRD MAN (1982). Chao remained at Shaw Brothers and got the lead villain role in the gruesome and hopelessly downbeat USURPERS OF EMPEROR'S POWER (1983). Chao disappeared after Shaw's closed down their filmmaking operations in 1985.
The actual English dubbed version wasn't utilized here, but merely the English segments have been synced up when dialog is present on screen. This might rile those that get nostalgic for the awful dubbing these movies were often saddled with, but having seen the film dozens of times, it's very noticeable. Also, Celestial's propensity for removing frames of film to eliminate any and all sign of print damage is evident on several occasions as it was on the HK DVD released a couple of years ago.
FIVE ELEMENT NINJAS (1982) is the ultimate comic book kung fu movie. It's director Chang Cheh's masterpiece OF ACTION. There's no other film on his resume that's as wildly chaotic as this one. Cheh also explored a 'Five Element Array' in his 1971 'Storm the Fortress' spectacular, THE DEADLY DUO (also on DVD from Media Blasters), but when compared with his bigger productions, the extravagance of the fight scenes takes the place of the extravagance of budget.
Filmed at a time when those grand scale action epics had run their course, Cheh was changing course with the shifting audience trends towards kung fu comedy. Both he and the Shaw Brothers had pushed themselves into a corner with no way out. Chang wasn't able to regain his momentum from the decade prior and left Shaw's to take up shooting independent movies with a massive drop in quality. Fortunately for fans like myself, we still have a great many treasures from the Godfather of Hong Kong action cinema to savor and enjoy for years to come.
This review is representative of the Media Blasters/Tokyo Shock region 1 DVD
That looks terrible! Where can I get hold of a copy? :)
If you have a Best Buy in your area, they may carry it. If not, there's amazon...
Mr. Cheung, the director of the movie, utilized a lot of Japanese elements into his works. His movies demonstrated the art of violence and blood. The female ninja characters in Five Element Ninjas and Shen Tong are the typical icons.
There are several articles here on Chang Cheh including one called 'Cinema of Excess: Chang Cheh & His Films' that is an on going piece. It's found to the sidebar at the right of the site if you are interested, KT.
Well structured review! Given the limitations Chang Cheh had to deal with, I was more than pleased at how well it worked on many levels; there's more plot twists here than in the best-loved of the "Venoms" films! Good little write-up on Lung Tien Sheng, too. I like how you represent yourself with a picture of him as "The Spearman"; after Kuo Chui, he's the major reason I often rewatch THE FLAG OF IRON! His character is so friggin' cool! Why didn't Cheh do (at least) a "pre-quel" with his character as the lead? Talk about a lost opportunity! Again, wonderful writing, venoms5!
Thanks, once more, Fang! Lung Tien Sheng had a ton of charisma and in my view, Chang Cheh was the only director who was able to bring that to the surface in the few films he did with him.
His indy movies are good, too, such as DRAGON ON SHAOLIN TOWER (also reviewed here), where he was the lead. But aside from his obvious fighting skill, he was just a standard hero till he did movies for Cheh. He was easily the best thing about FLAG OF IRON.
A prequel would have been cool, but the movie is just a remake/reworking of Cheh's own THE DUEL from 1971. A classic movie in its own right. In that film, David Chiang plays the same role Lung plays in the later picture.
I need to see this as soon as humanly possible! Sounds like an awesome movie! I love Chehs action packed films, they are really entertaining movies to watch!
Since you enjoyed RETURN OF 1 ARMED SWORDSMAN so much, Fran, I am damn sure you will eat this one up! It's my all time favorite CC movie in terms of how much fun it is and the gore is outrageous. The MB DVD is the best one to get. It has an interview with Lo Mang on there. Sadly, he doesn't talk about the movie at all, just his time working under the CC. I got to meet him in Philadelphia, by the way.
Like you, I have been obsessed with this movie since I first saw it as a kid in the 80s. It is the greatest film to ever come out of HK cinema. Your write-up and screen grabs are awesome. Thanks.
No problem, memory_scanner! This is one of those movies I can watch over and over and never get tired of it. I've pretty much memorized every line of dialog from all the viewings over the years. Thanks for stopping by!
Just watched this and it was incredible. Loved 5 deadly venoms but this might be even better. The final battle was insane.
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