Yumiko Syaku (Akane Yashiro), Shin Takuma (Tokumitsu Yuhara), Kana Onodera (Sara Yuhara), Koh Takasugi (Colonel Togashi), Yusuke Tomoi (Hayama), Kumi Mizuno (Prime Minister Tsuge), Akira Nakao (Prime Minister Hiyato Igarashi)
Directed by Masaaki Tezuka
The Short Version: After a less than encouraging reception with his enjoyable maiden monster mash, GODZILLA X MEGAGUIRUS (2001), Masaaki Tezuka returns to update Mechagodzilla yet again with this ULTRA entertaining live action anime cartoon with amazing creature combat sequences, an appealing science fiction plotline and just barely enough character exposition. Furthermore, the monster action is the focal point--the bread and butter of Japanese giant monster movies, and Tezuka showcases an ambitious style with his monsters and massive mechs.
In 1999, Godzilla attacks Japan for the first time since 1954. While other monsters have led incursions against Japanese cities during that time, this new appearance by the dreaded radioactive lizard causes Japan's military scientists to create a bio robot, a Mechagodzilla using the recently discovered bones of the beast that wrecked havoc back in 1954. Completed in 2003 and christened as 'Kiryu', the man made mechanical monster is put into battle when Godzilla abruptly appears once again.
First appearing in Jun Fukuda's GODZILLA VS. MECHAGODZILLA in 1974, that film saw Toho's titanic robot a creation of alien design. Proving a successful formula, the company decided to build a sequel around the bionic beast and in a far more serious, adult manner that abandoned the livelier previous picture and its wild fantasy and spy elements. That film was TERROR OF MECHAGODZILLA (1975). Despite the return of Ishiro Honda, Akira Ifukube and a more absorbing than usual screenplay, that movie failed at the Japanese box office.
In a novel approach, this version of Mechagodzilla is constructed from the bones of the original monster that laid waste to Japan in 1954. While this plot device is an ingenious way to rework the material, the bones of Godzilla were shown to have disintegrated during the closing moments of Honda's original masterpiece. Curiously, the use of the monsters bones to fashion a counter weapon seems to have been partially inspired by a plot point from 1993's GVMG wherein that version of the giant robot was designed based on the recovered remains of Mecha-King Ghidorah. This new incarnation carries with it some COOL weaponry, one particular piece literally so.
The Absolute Zero cannon is a freezing weapon that emits a beam registering 27.3 degrees below zero. This is Mecha G's hidden card against Godzilla. This type of offensive weapon was likely inspired by the Super X-3 seen in GODZILLA VS. DESTROYER from 1995. That futuristic battle plane was equipped with a number of freezing lasers and missiles with which to prevent an impending meltdown by the Godzilla of the Heisei series. Other MG weapons are the requisite rockets and masers as well as a pair of forearm lasers and a hidden sword that ejects from the robots wrist. As impressive as this mechanical marvel is, none of the screens re-interpretations of Godzilla's robotic double have the sheer number of attacks of the original 70s version.
In addition to all the cool kaiju sci fi accouterments on display, Mechagodzilla is carried and guided remotely from three massive battle planes--the AC-3 Shirasagi. These planes also act as a regenerative system for when Kiryu's energy is depleted. This plot point yields one of the most impressive and intriguing sequences in all of Kaiju-dom. The scene in question is 'Kiryu's Big Joy Ride'. During their first rather brief altercation, Godzilla's roar sets off some sort of inherent memory deep within the inter-spinal cells contained within the bones used to build the bio creation. From there, Kiryu goes 'out of control', on a warpath of his own. The military are helpless to stop the rampaging robot and have to stand by while it tramples the Yokohama and Hekkeijima districts till Kiryu's batteries deplete--58 minutes later.
Less a character this time (and in this films sequel), his presence is summed up basically as a force of nature that appears unexpectedly. In the case of this movie, the radioactive lizard's last showing was in 1954. The military refers to this new creature as "another Godzilla" since the original was killed with Dr. Serizawa's Oxygen Destroyer. However, courtesy of stock footage from MOTHRA (1961) and WAR OF THE GARGANTUAS (1966), we are told that various other monsters have attacked Japan since Godzillas inaugural path of devastation. The appearance of Gaira (from GARGANTUAS) is credited with the creation of the Maser tank as a viable means of defense against the monsters.
Aside from some obvious similarities between Tezuka's MEGAGUIRUS and the new MECHAGODZILLA, where the two films differ is in their plots. Tezuka's maiden monster movie had a fairly deep storyline with a handful of twists and a link to Toho's original RODAN (1956). GXMG (2003) resembles a live action anime and contains a minimalist plot that, while threadbare, is perfect science fiction 'popcorn & coke' material. Also, MEGAGUIRUS unfortunately flopped at the Japanese box office while the leaner MG remake took home a tidy profit. Wataru Mimura's script does have a three way character arc that gets sporadic development during the some 40 minutes worth of human interaction.
Even with its preponderance of sci fi shenanigans, the writer finds a brief respite to question economic and environmental issues such as tax payers dollars going to the anti Godzilla weapon. Prime Minister Tsuge tells those questioning where the money will come from to get behind the project! Others see this as a possible re-armament of Japan. The film also flirts with international concerns for the reasoning of creating such a powerful weapon. It isn't much, but it's a nice touch to have something to connect fantasy with reality. Such nuances would be scrapped in the next picture--a direct sequel to this one.
After his Toho tenure with Godzilla was over, Tezuka moved on to a remake of Sonny Chiba's hit science fiction movie, TIME SLIP (1979). Sadly, aside from a few eye opening moments and yet another cool science fiction plot, Tezuka's SENGOKU JIEITAI 1549 (2005) failed to capture either an audience or the violent spectacle of the earlier production.
Yuichi Kikuchi's special effects are some of the best of this series as a whole and impress further with the succeeding picture. Interestingly, all the Millennium entries mock Godzilla's first appearance hidden beneath a gigantic wave from the universally derided American GODZILLA from 1998. The one seen here is the most subtle of the 2000 series. Female composer, Michiro Oshima encores from MEGAGUIRUS to deliver another dynamite score, recycling a cue or two from her bombastic soundtrack from Masaaki Tezuka's premier Godzilla film.
Recalling an image of a grand live action anime cartoon, this remake is high on action and modest on characterization. It's there, it just gets lost among the monsters and hi tech gadgetry. At least there's a touch more humanistic substance here than afforded the sequel. For Godzilla fans this movie is must see entertainment for young kids big and small. It's an old fashioned science fiction spectacular told with a modern spirit and one that is told very well and with a lot of imagination. Hopefully, if Toho revives the series as planned, the new films will have the same Honda styled grandeur and child-like wonder inherent in Tezuka's movies.
This review is representative of the Japanese R2 DVD
I guess I know which Godzilla movie I'll be buying next!
I do see what you mean about the 90's Godzilla movies, the director responsible for some of those did reduce the characters to simply shooting laser beams at each other, you are absolutely right about that! I noticed it when I watched Godzilla vs. Space Godzilla, expect a review for that one next week!
I saw the previews for this one on one of the dvd's and they looked like fun, judging from your review, Im in for a treat! That last image you posted, the one with the soldier on top of Mechagodzilla's shoulder, what a cool image!
Im looking forward to checking this one out! Godzilla S.o.S, is that one any good? I noticed its from the same director as this one, what say you?
Man, I need to see TERROR OF MECHA GODZILLA, judging from what you say about it, Im going to enjoy that one, especially if it has more of a horror vibe going for it.
Great review man!
Oh, yeah, TOKYO S.O.S. is a good one, too. Personally, it's more like this films KILL BILL 2 in that it seems like the second half to this movie. It's not better than X MECHAGODZILLA, but it is almost all action. It's very much in the tradition of Honda's movies and is partially a remake of the classic MOTHRA VS. GODZILLA from 1964. One thing I should mention about TOKYO S.O.S. is that right at the 30 minute mark, it's all action and one long monster battle and human interaction with the monsters. I plan to have the review for that one up, too.
Hopefully MEGAGUIRUS will follow soon as well. GMK is a huge fan favorite and I think you'll have a field day with that one when you get around to it, Fran. Shusuke Kaneko took a very dark approach to the material.
Thanks for the recommendation then, I will be getting Tokyo SOS probably tomorrow! I love those Godzilla movies that are all out action.
Speaking of Mothra vs. Godzilla, started watching it and Im half way through, another great Honda film. Enjoying it every step of the way! Expect some Godzilla madness sometime next week! Looking forward to your thoughts bro!
Cool stuff Brian, I haven't seen many of the newer G films, but I do love Terror of Mecha G. and this one sounds really fun.
my goodness, I had no idea that Japan made new Godzilla-flicks in the 00s!
I seriously thought that the Emmerich-crap was the last Godzilla-movie.
I definitely need to check them out!
@ Fran: MOTHRA VS. GODZILLA (1964) is one of the best in my opinion, and one of the best monster films, period. I think it still stands up, too. I'll be looking for your write up, Fran!
@ Hero: TERROR OF MECHAGODZILLA is a huge fave of mine. I love the seriousness of it. Totally opposite of every other 70s G film. Good characterizations, too.
@ Maynard: Yeah, man, there's these here you've missed out on...well, most of them save for FINAL WARS, anyway, but who knows, you might like that one.
We had no idea that there were new Godzilla films out! So excited to look them up! Thanks for the review.
You're quite welcome, LexiConErrick! Hope you enjoy the movies!
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