"I've never liked horror films. Yeah, I know I did lots of them, but back then, they were nothing more than a job to me. I mean, making those films was a good experience for me, but bottom line, I don't like fear. Never have, never will."--Jamie Lee Curtis on horror, Fangoria #177
Steve Miner, director of FRIDAY THE 13TH 2 (1981) and 3 (1982) came on board and succeeded in erasing the blotches that were HALLOWEEN's 5 and 6 and the decent, honorably intentioned HALLOWEEN 4. Picking up where HALLOWEEN 2 (1981) left off, Laurie Strode is an alcoholic living in fear that her maniacal brother will one day find her and complete his lifelong ambition. After killing Nurse Marion (the returning character from both HALLOWEEN 1 and 2 and played by the original actress, Nancy Stephens), and making off with a file on Strode, Myers tracks her down in California living under a different name after having faked her death. Typical slasher tropes ensue, but Miner manages to instill many of the same ones that were famously seen in Carpenter's original and the first sequel and they work nicely. The fact that Curtis is back on board helps tremendously. Jamie Lee's mother, Janet Leigh, has a cameo here and is part of an ingenious in-joke involving Janet and the car she was buried in from PSYCHO (1960).
"I suppose we do run the risk of pissing our fans off. But we justify making more HALLOWEEN's by believing that there is still more fun to be had with them..."--Malek Akkad, co-producer
Fangoria #215: above, insert and Busta, Tyra and Rick Rosenthal insert below
Looking at it now, there's arguably some quasi interesting things about the production. This being the seventh sequel, it's a given that any script is predestined to reach an absolutely ridiculous level of absurdity. Still, there's some intriguing ideas here that makes this sequel tolerable and the "best" of the series post H20 (1998). The use of the internet and the concept of Myers killing this new breed of annoying youngster via a "reality show" is in keeping with current popular trends. "Reality Shows"--as fake as they are--have become the new Millennium's version of pro wrestling; and just as many people believe them to be real as used to believe that everything on wrestling was 100% real. The fascinating thing about this films reality angle is that it ultimately proves fatally realistic, more so than the participants or those financing the venture had anticipated.

The idiocy of HALLOWEEN: RESURRECTION comes from the fact that the well has pretty much run dry in terms of what to do with this character. You could always send Myers into space, but Jason and Pinhead have already been to that Final Frontier. So how do you bring a decapitated serial killer back for another sequel? Myers had his HEAD CHOPPED OFF for crying out loud! His means of coming "back to life" so to speak was that he crushes the larynx of a paramedic and places the mask atop his noggin. If this were to be taken at face value, it doesn't explain just why in the hell the paramedic--now the "The Shape"--attacks Laurie Strode in the ambulance and didn't just remove the damn mask to avoid losing his head over nothing. Also, in RESURRECTION, why does Laurie "need to be sure" and remove Michael's mask once she has him helpless? If he had pulled the ole' switcheroo on her again, why would yet another faux Michael be trying to kill her? The film coasts on some cool ideas and some good 'boo' moments, but seriously fumbles all over itself with characters making questionable decisions that make AMERICA'S DUMBEST CRIMINALS look like Nobel Prize winners by comparison.
The idiocy of HALLOWEEN: RESURRECTION comes from the fact that the well has pretty much run dry in terms of what to do with this character. You could always send Myers into space, but Jason and Pinhead have already been to that Final Frontier. So how do you bring a decapitated serial killer back for another sequel? Myers had his HEAD CHOPPED OFF for crying out loud! His means of coming "back to life" so to speak was that he crushes the larynx of a paramedic and places the mask atop his noggin. If this were to be taken at face value, it doesn't explain just why in the hell the paramedic--now the "The Shape"--attacks Laurie Strode in the ambulance and didn't just remove the damn mask to avoid losing his head over nothing. Also, in RESURRECTION, why does Laurie "need to be sure" and remove Michael's mask once she has him helpless? If he had pulled the ole' switcheroo on her again, why would yet another faux Michael be trying to kill her? The film coasts on some cool ideas and some good 'boo' moments, but seriously fumbles all over itself with characters making questionable decisions that make AMERICA'S DUMBEST CRIMINALS look like Nobel Prize winners by comparison.
"When it came to me, my thought was that I would never see a HALLOWEEN 9, let alone make one...I started to envision this whole different movie, and I felt like there was a way to keep what I loved about HALLOWEEN, yet make it totally, totally distinct."--Rob Zombie, Fangoria 266
RESURRECTION was profitable, but it had become glaringly apparent that if any more sequels were going to be made, something drastic was in order. With dollars and no common cents dancing in their heads, the producers decided to continue the series, but instead of carrying on where the eighth film left off, the remake route would be taken. Hard rocker Rob Zombie, having helmed the atrocious HOUSE OF 1000 CORPSES (2002) and its marginally better sequel THE DEVIL'S REJECTS (2003) was given the opportunity to remake one of the most beloved horror classics of all time, or as he more "aptly" put it, HALLOWEEN found HIM. The news of the Z man remaking one of the treasures among the holy grail of horror caused overwhelming controversy and a good degree of curiosity.
"How many horror fans keep saying they were Donald Pleasence fans before HALLOWEEN? Like, did they ever even hear of Donald Pleasence before HALLOWEEN?"--Rob Zombie, Rue Morgue 70
Unlike the remakes of TEXAS CHAINSAW and DAWN OF THE DEAD, the do over of HALLOWEEN caused an extraordinary amount of backlash towards what the finished product was going to look like. This was especially alarming since Zombie favored trailer trash caricatures, carnival barkers, bizarre, excessive usage of expletives and infantile dialog exchanges. Zombie showed--whether intentional or not--a good deal of contempt for his audience even "going to war" with the fans as the film was being made. Apparently the producers were dissatisfied with the resultant mess as a massive amount of last minute reshoots were ordered which were painfully noticeable in the finished product. Despite making a ton of money, Zombie's rendition of Carpenter's classic turned out to be little more than a third chapter/prequel to his Firefly Clan double header. What made Michael Myers frightening was NOT KNOWING WHY HE WAS EVIL. It wasn't necessary to see (in RZ's universe, anyways) that he came from a redneck upbringing.
"I guarantee you that in 20 years, they'll be remaking HOUSE OF 1000 CORPSES...studios run out of stuff, they get scared and they want something recognizable."--Rob Zombie

Personally, I feel that Zombie's maiden trick'er treater was most likely successful because so many fans and casual moviegoers were curious as to what the man would do with the property. I paid to see it mainly to see how different the theatrical version was from the painfully inept version that was "leaked" online. By the time the sequel rolled around, it was a safe bet it was more of the same only with even more creative uses of the 'F' word, dialog not worthy of a middle school play, redneckism, carnivalism, continuity, editing and logical missteps that make the film appear Michael Myers used his butcher knife on the negative. Towering Tyler Mane played Zombie's lumbering po' boy Michael Myers in a fashion not too far removed from Kane Hodder's revisionist Jason Voorhees. But Zombie's two seasonal slayathons are so similar to his other mass murderer mayhem'ers, this alternate take on the Michael Myers mythos is the "bastard child" (or children) of the long running series standing out far worse than the more wilder plotted entries. The mask used for both (when the character is actually wearing it) isn't so bad although the sight of a small boy wearing it when it's far too big for his head brings about chuckles instead of chills.

Famous behind the scenes photo included inside the HALLOWEEN soundtrack CD jacket. Incidentally, Laurie gives Michael a goodbye kiss during her final moments near the beginning of HALLOWEEN: RESURRECTION (2002).
Unfortunately, a third(?) film is threatened (or should it be the eleventh?) purported to be in 3D. As it stands, the HALLOWEEN franchise has had a single instance of artistic brilliance, one worthy sequel, a daring and different stand alone feature followed by a steady decline into mediocrity. HALLOWEEN is but one franchise wherein the producers only hear the sound of money going into the cash register as opposed to using those millions for an original work; or giving it to some charity like the 'Stop At 1' fund, an organization that seeks to stop excessive sequelitis and those movie producers who suffer from it.