Gordon Mitchell (Maciste), Chelo Alonso (Queen Capys), Aldo Bufi Landi (Sirone), Paul Wynter (Mumba), Germano Longo (Agisandro), Tullio Altamura
Directed by Antonio Leonviola
The Short Version: Mundane mythological epic has great potential, but a lousy director keeps the film from being prime matinee fare. There are a couple good sequences and the massive chests of both Gordon Mitchell and Chelo Alonso are larger than life. The film has its fans, but coming this early in the cycle, there are far better movies in the underrated genre of Sword & Sandal pictures.
The ancestors of the evil ruler Circe plot a brutal revenge on the family of Ulysses for their defeat. The villainous Queen Capys targets the kingdom of Sadok, razing the village and kidnapping the women and children for sacrifice to the flesh eating cyclops, Polifemo. Capys has her sights set on the future king of Sadok, a small infant boy as the next to be killed. Maciste intervenes to save both the young heir and the captured women from being Polifemo's next meal.
Antonio Leonviola has directed some of the worst muscleman movies ever conceived almost rivaling the non epics from the erudite (and I mean that sarcastically) hack filmmaker, Guido Malatesta (COLOSSUS & THE HEADHUNTERS). A shame the imposing Gordon Mitchell's first fusto film was one such as this, despite the script possessing grand potential for popcorn thrills. Numerous scenes (especially action scenes) appear awkward and sometimes sluggish. Mitchell seems naive in his first outing as a super hero strongman, but outside of Chelo Alonso's magnificent chest, he's the most liveliest thing in the movie.
The action sequences are, for the most part, sloppily rendered. It's as if the participants are afraid to get into the spirit of things. Mitchell is given lots to do here such as bending bars, hurling huge boulders, fighting a lion, lifting an enormous cart from a crushed centurion and swooning over the allure of Cuban caliente Alonso. It's unfortunate a much better movie couldn't be built around these things. Mitchell only played a good guy a scant few times before assuming antagonistic personages that fit his leathery looks more than the heroic stable of mythological do-gooders occupied by the likes of Steve Reeves and Gordon Scott.
Gordon Mitchell truly lit up the screen in his second such role, the classic historical epic, THE FURY OF ACHILLES (1962), one of the best the genre has to offer. Mitchell is the epitome of intensity in that film directed by Enzo Castellari's father, Marino Girolami. A genre defining and bigger budgeted production, it showed off what Mitchell was made of and a number of similar roles followed where Mitchell was totally villainous, or something in between. Another of his most memorable sword & sandal roles was as Arminio in Michele Lupo's THE REVENGE OF SPARTACUS (1964).
Two sequences do stand out, managing to save this movie from the bowels of the 'Dis List'. One is where Maciste is suspended above a pit of ravenous lions, his only footing being two thin planks. On both sides of him are a group of slaves who must play tug-of-war for the amusement of Capys and her subordinate, Agisandro. Earlier in the film, it's obvious a stuntman is battling a lion in close quarters, but here, it appears evident that Mitchell is situated high above this pride of lions with only two thin boards keeping him from the company of the beasts.
The other impressive scene(s) are those involving the cyclops, Polifemo. Future cinematographer-poliziesco director, Stelvio Massi was a cameraman on this picture and if he was responsible for the creature scenes, they are antiquated, but noticeably effective for their time. The impression of giganticism is successfully realized during the opening moments and especially at the ending when Maciste confronts the one eyed man-eater. Interestingly, this is also the only such film in memory where the hero doesn't walk/carry off a beautiful woman as the music swells during the closing moments.
The famous Cuban dancing sensation, Chelo Alonso, plays against type here as Queen Capys, an atypical character in so many of these films. She starts out as evil, but eventually succumbs to the wiles of the hero. Sadly, Alonso never shakes her moneymaker as she always did in this productions. She displayed her ample and amorous talents in such films as the dramatic peplum SIGN OF ROME, the bland, but colorful THE PIRATE & THE SLAVE GIRL, the violent GOLIATH & THE BARBARIANS (all 1959) and her hot salsa role in MORGAN, THE PIRATE (1960). Alonso also lit a fire in the pants of boys everywhere with her sizzle and shake in the brutal MACISTE IN THE VALLEY OF THE KINGS (1960).
While it's not nearly as laughable as the equally absurd Leonviola mess, MOLE MEN AGAINST THE SON OF HERCULES (1962), Mitchell's maiden torch & toga showcase is a below average fusto adventure that could have cooked with better action sequences and a spicier Chelo Alonso. Fans of the genre will likely want to see it and it's a no brainer for Mitchell completists, despite it being one of the big guys least impressive productions.
This review is representative of the Medusa Italian PAL R2 DVD. There are no English options.
This entry showcases the covers from my collection of the nine issue run of cult comic fave, DEVIL DINOSAUR, a brief series that ran its course throughout 1978.
DEVIL DINOSAUR was the creation of the prolific artist, Jack Kirby. While the series wasn't popular at all, it has since accrued a healthy following over the years. Seeing it as a kid, it jumped off the comic racks and into my hands, especially being a huge dinosaur enthusiast as a tyke.
The origin of the two main characters, Devil and his humanoid companion, Moon Boy, is revealed in the first issue. While the book no doubt is aimed to the small fry set, Kirby's simplistic stories meld science fiction with prehistory. It isn't unusual to see aliens from another world populating the panels along with our prehistoric journeymen (and monsters).
All the classic staples of caveman/barbarian movies are utilized here, sometimes sharing space with the futuristic hardware of invading alien races. There's giant spiders and ants among the dinosaurs, a neolithic giant and also a haggard witch with the power to propel Devil and Moon Boy into Earth's future circa 1978 in the last issue.
The storyline is very basic in that Moon Boy rescues Devil (then a green saurian creature) from a clan of "killer folk" who attempt to burn the beast. Moon Boy saves him and nurses him back to health, only to now find the mighty monsters hide has turned bright red, somehow giving the dinosaur an increased strength capacity.
From there, it's one kiddie matinee level adventure after another as Devil and his trusted companion confront the evils found throughout "Dinosaur World". The character also turned up in a couple issues of Marvel's Godzilla comic series, which was going on at the time. Devil Dinosaur also cropped up in various other comic books over the years in guest appearances.
Incidentally, if you were ever a fan of Hanna Barbera cartoons such as THUNDARR, or THE HERCULOIDS, than Kirby's DEVIL DINOSAUR will be right up your comic book/caveman alley. It has the feel of an animated series (apparently, it was planned for one) and also has appeal to those with a fondness of the original LAND OF THE LOST TV series.
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