"He just doesn't seem to have any idea...if...he needs somebody like a Fred Astaire to tell'em, ya gotta show the whole body. When you're doing a kung fu movie, the beauty of it is you get to show everything." *--Ric thinking he's referring to director Chen Hung Lieh for INHERITOR OF KUNG FU (1977), but it's actually prolific cinematographer and director Pao Hsueh Li's movie bearing the same title from 1981.
Up to this point, you may remember a few allusions here and there towards this INHERITOR OF KUNG FU movie spread out over this article and in the accompanying Meyerisms list. What's the big deal about this movie, you ask? Well, absolutely nothing, but the accompanying commentary is. This last chapter is all about that single movie and why this particular audio commentary is the single most useless and laughable excuse of audible cinematic journalism you will ever hear in your DVD lovin' lifetime.
This would explain why shots of Ti Lung battling Kwan Young Moon are featured prominently on the promotional spread for the second picture, HERO AT THE BORDER REGION (1981) as seen above. The second film was never finished and was likely padded out with portions of THE HEROIC ONE which would explain why it's so choppy. Either way, the film stinks, but never approaches the massive level of suckage that is Ric Meyers' commentary.

The DVD box further adds insult to injury by listing it as Chen Hung Lieh's version (a more traditional fist and kick movie while Pao's film is a swordplay picture); this coming from Tai Seng, the company that proclaimed, "We know kung fu!" With these older, less important films, why should even a modicum of accuracy or investigative research come into play? Who will care, right? Regardless of the historical significance of ANY subject, if it is as lazily discussed and promoted as this worthless attempt at an audio commentary is, then we are doing ANY topic of even the most minor of cultural, social, historical, or cinematic significance a gross disservice. While we're on the subject, it should be noted that the Tai Seng DVDs are nothing more than the Ocean Shores VHS tapes transferred to disc. Only one film from OS was ever released in widescreen that I am aware of and that's Lee Tso Nam's EAGLE'S CLAW (1977), which is also out on Tai Seng's Martial Arts Theater label.
"He's [I Kuang] supposedly the writer of this movie, but I have no idea how true that is..." *--Read the fucking credits, Ric!!!
Getting back to the INHERITOR OF KUNG FU commentary track, Meyers babbles on making insulting comments towards Chen Hung Lieh's lack of directorial skills when it's actually somebody else's movie! He also states I Kuang is the writer. Well, he is, but on Chen's film, not Pao's film, the one on the damn DVD! Jin Shu Mei (who co-scripted THE HEROES from 1980 with I Kuang and happens to be married to director Pao) is the writer for Pao's picture and Meyers would have known that had he paid fucking attention to the opening credits! To compound things, neither Meyers nor Samuels knows who Kwan Young Moon is (aside from his fan handle as 'The Mad Korean'). Samuels at least knows some of his actual, FACTUAL background information.

Astonishingly, Meyers doesn't even know who Pearl Cheung is, an actress most famous for WOLF DEVIL WOMAN (1981) and two loosely related follow ups and other films such as MY BLADE, MY LIFE (1982). Adding to this nonsense that extends beyond the shiny disc space housing the shitty INHERITOR OF KUNG FU and its even shittier play by play, Meyers states on the KUNG FU EMPEROR (1981) commentary that it's "quite possible" Pao directed INHERITOR OF KUNG FU! He says this with the utmost of conviction as if he has suddenly transformed into the kung fu version of Sherlock Holmes. He goes on to deduce why he believes Pao, the director of KUNG FU EMPEROR, also directed INHERITOR OF KUNG FU, but isn't quite sure! GO BACK AND READ THE FUCKING CREDITS, RIC!!!
Adding further fuel to this nonsensical fire, Meyers occasionally refers back to the INHERITOR film and his imbecilic presumption of Chen Hung Lieh's participation. With this single joke ass DVD commentary, whose stench extends to other waste of disc space, Ric Meyers proves without a shadow of a doubt the only martial art he is proficient in is the art of Clueless Kung Fu.WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE?--THE INHERITOR OF KUNG FU CONUNDRUM PART 2
"He's [I Kuang] supposedly the writer of this movie, but I have no idea how true that is..." *--Read the fucking credits, Ric!!!
This last list of Ric-Rolled Meyerisms contains some of the man's nuttiest, insane, arrogant, and ill-informed utterances yet!
NUMBERS 195-230!
195. "The Chinese government put out an official decree, uh, reprimanding its own cinema for not doing it first." *--Meyers twisting the truth yet again in reference to the Chinese not making KUNG FU PANDA (2008) first. You can read more about it in Part 1. What he didn't tell you was that several big name Chinese directors were covertly assassinated by the Flying Guillotine squad for not beating the Americans to the punch. That's what REALLY happened.
196. "I know lots about ninja...this is remarkably accurate." *--This statement contains several words you'd never associate with Ric Meyers--"I know lots about..." and "remarkably accurate".
197. In a boldly ironic statement on the LIFE OF A NINJA (1983) commentary, Meyers says that the reason Warner Books hired him to take over the series was because "they already knew about my reputation with martial arts movies and Asian films..." *--They say ignorance is bliss.
198. "When somebody says 'I'm a ninja', you're pretty well guaranteed they're not." *--Prick Meyers gets offensive when uttering insulting comments towards real life ninjitsu master, Stephen K. Hayes. On the LIFE OF A NINJA commentary track, he goes on for a few minutes denouncing how Hayes couldn't possibly be a ninja regardless of the fact that the man studied in Japan for at least five years prior to writing several books on the subject as well as being the bodyguard of the Dalai Lama. I think it's a safe bet Hayes doesn't walk on walls, nor scurry feverishly underground accompanied by ridiculous sound effects. Yet again, Meyers is a storyteller who enjoys confusing history with fantasy. When you say you're a martial arts movie expert, Ric, we're pretty well guaranteed YOU'RE NOT.
199. Moments later on the same commentary, Meyers can't remember what Sumo wrestling is, then jokingly implies how embarrassed he is claiming this is the first time he's made such a mistake(!!!) and that he is now going to have to burn all copies of LIFE OF A NINJA because of his Alzheimer's moment. Burn all your commentaries, Ric...BURN THEM ALL.
200. Chen Kuan Tai did not make a "great splash" in Chang Cheh's VENGEANCE! (1970), Ric. He was simply a background performer, nothing more.
201. Chang Cheh did not direct KING GAMBLER (1976), you idiot. That was a Cheng Kang movie.
202. "But after the closing of the, uh, Shaw Brothers studio film units in about, 19, uh, 85 [Chen Kuan Tai] was forced to take, um, uh, parts in movies like AMBITIOUS KUNG FU GIRL (1982) and uuuummm...(laughs)...GANGMASTER (1982)..." *--Those WERE Shaw movies and made before they closed their doors you giggling idiot. The LIFE OF A NINJA kook commentary strikes again! In another commentary from around this time, Ric proudly stated that GANGMASTER was one of the best Shaw movies. Go figure.
203. Yet again...Jeez, this is getting tiresome...Meyers incorrectly names an actor this time on the LIFE OF A NINJA commentary. He goes to his "reliable" IMDB list of credits for the actors and when he gets to Chen Hung Lieh (refer to the INHERITOR OF KUNG FU debacle discussed at top; Meyers treds that ground here, too, yet again!), he mistakes Tin Man Chung for Chen Hung Lieh, despite Meyers going on and on about the actor and his films. You'd think that if Meyers were familiar with him, he'd know what the man looks like by now.
204. Meyers claimed that Billy Chong, who enjoyed a brief HK kung fu career, got fat and owned a billiards parlor in Hong Kong after his star faded, but actually he returned to his Indonesian homeland where he continued his career and reportedly married a beauty queen.
205. Ric says that Ti Lung became an established, major superstar after appearing in the SENTIMENTAL SWORDSMAN series. Ti Lung was a major box office attraction well before then and had already went solo in a number of films before doing the SENTIMENTAL SWORDSMAN movies.
206. "Most of the Shaw Brothers movies, I believe, are fairly well lost forever. It's a terrible, terrible shame." *--Well, Ric, you would be fairly well wrong on that, too.
207. On the FISTS & GUTS (1979) commentary Meyers states that because of the use of a meticulously constructed straw hut, that the filmmakers obviously had a bit more money at their disposal than the average independently produced movie. You're kidding, right? I guess the straw was definitely not 'Made In Taiwan'.
208. "The Master Killer may be familiar to people who have seen THE ULTIMATE WARRIOR...This wonderful movie, THE ULTIMATE WARRIOR (1975), which was clearly designed for Liu Chia Hui was taken away and given to Yul Brynner." *--Meyers repeats this same load of bull on multiple commentaries, so I will repeat it here, too, for like the third or fourth time. Gordon Liu was just a supporting player in Hong Kong in 1975, so the likelihood of him getting a lead role in a US production was about as likely as Ric Meyers being taken seriously by Asian cinema circles possessing even the most rudimentary of knowledge.
209. Slick Ric even goes so far as to say that Lo Lieh reclaimed audiences attention with his BLACK MAGIC in 1975; a movie in which Lo Lieh just had a supporting role. The main stars were Ti Lung and Ku Feng.
210. Lo Lieh was not a mad doctor in HUMAN LANTERNS (1982), Ric.
211. HUMAN LANTERNS is also not a slasher film, you fucking moron.
212. It's BAMBOO HOUSE OF DOLLS (1973), not BAMBOO HOUSE OF DEATH, Ric. Do I have any Aleve left?
213. On the DEATH RING (1984) commentary, Meyers again, for like the fifth or sixth time, runs down Run Run Shaw making the bogus claim that they stopped making movies because his actors and filmmakers were getting too famous and were making demands on him for more money and better working conditions. Meyers insinuates that Shaw closed his doors to keep from "paying these supposedly ungrateful people, so he simply shut down his film units." *--Shaw is never gonna look at that book now, haha!
214. Meyers rambles off a slew of errors back to back on the DEATH RING (1984) commentary. He claims Chang Cheh closed down his Shaw affiliated-Taiwan based Chang's Company (not to be confused with his later, solo Chang Ho company) because of the failure of several costume epics. Who's costume epics? Chang was sent there to make movies with Shaw capital that couldn't be taken out of Taiwan. The shooting of FIVE SHAOLIN MASTERS used up much of the funds due to poor weather conditions. Anyway, Meyers proceeds to babble that Cheh returned to Shaw's in 1975. It was actually 1977 when he returned full time. He then, inexplicably and rather confusingly attributes Chang Cheh's HEROES TWO (1973) as a Sammo Hung film. HUH?!?!?!?!? He must mean WARRIORS TWO which wasn't even a Shaw picture and was made in 1978.
215. "It's very rare that everybody died in the FIVE DEADLY VENOMS movies although there were occasionally movies like THE DAREDEVILS (1979) where all the characters died, but usually Philip Kwok made it to the fade-out to say something about the folly of men." *--Um, there wasn't an actual venoms movie where they all died, Ric. Both Chiang Sheng and Lu Feng SURVIVED in THE DAREDEVILS; the latter actor, Lu Feng, the one you said ALWAYS plays the villain, was a good guy. He was also a good guy in INVINCIBLE SHAOLIN and BRAVE ARCHER 1-3 to name a few; part 3 of that series being an official venom film. That enlightening piece of misinformation is on the DEATH RING (1984) commentary track. As much as he drools over the venoms, you'd figure he'd be able to get this right, at least.
216. Damn, come on, Ric. Only four of the venoms were in TWO CHAMPIONS OF SHAOLIN (1980). They all didn't return for MASKED AVENGERS (1981), either. Only three of the original group are accounted for. HOUSE OF TRAPS (1982) was not the last film to feature all five of the venoms. Lo Mang is not in it. The last would be BRAVE ARCHER 3 (1981). This is easy shit, Ric. You shouldn't be mucking this kind of thing up!
217. "Black Belt Theater, which was created by World Northal, was trying to break into television, and they loved the idea of me going into a book which would educate their viewers as well as their buyers." *--The notion of Meyers "educating" anybody on any subject is a scary thought.
218. Crave Online Interviewer: Lau Kar-leung, is that how you pronounce it…?
Ric Meyers: Low Kar-Lee-Ung, yeah.
Me: Make him stop.
219. "Sammo’s the king of homophobia, xenophobia and macho chauvinism." *--Meanwhile Ric Meyers is still the reigning king of Mythomania, Prevaricative Babble-Boasting and Absolutely Fabulist ( interview; Sept. 2011).
220. Not only was Ric the master of mendaciousness when it came to commentaries and spreading the Faux Fu word, he also added his special brand of WTF? to a number of DVD covers when Celestial became his next victim by allowing him to design the synopsis' for anywhere between 300 and 400 DVD boxes. His number fluctuates, so just know he fucked up there, too. On the CHINATOWN KID DVD box, Meyers states Chang Cheh used stock footage of San Francisco in his movie. I guess the city had stock shots of Fu Sheng walkin' the streets and hoppin' aboard the street trolley's too.
221. On the same DVD box, Meyers states Fu Sheng's character "defeats each venom while succumbing to the seductive powers of sex symbol Shirley Yu only to learn that heroism leads to nihilistic desecration." *--Fu Sheng doesn't defeat each venom: Sun Chien is a good guy here, Kuo Chui "defeats" Lo Mang and both Lu Feng and Chiang Sheng have "blink an you'll miss'em" roles. The last part of that statement is another confusing case of Ric tossing big words around without rhyme or reason.
222. For the synopsis on the back of the IVL Hong Kong DVD for BRAVE ARCHER, Meyers says that Chang Cheh "...uses this Martial Arts World phantasmagorical to test future superstars Kara Hui Ying-hung...." *--Hui Ying-hung is barely in this movie and fails her test here only to pass with flying colors by the time Liu Chia Liang put her through a crash course in kung fu with flicks like MY YOUNG AUNTIE (1981) and LADY IS THE BOSS (1983).
223. On the back of the NEW SHAOLIN BOXERS Hong Kong DVD, Meyers refers to Fu Sheng finally getting his own showcase as opposed to being part of the protagonists in Chang Cheh's "trilogy" of SHAOLIN MARTIAL ARTS (1974), 5 SHAOLIN MASTERS (1974) and DISCIPLES OF SHAOLIN (1975). Meyers, for whatever reason, leaves out HEROES TWO (1973) and MEN FROM THE MONASTERY (1974). Also, DISCIPLES OF SHAOLIN isn't actually a Shaolin movie and while Chi Kuan Chun is in it, it's predominantly Fu's movie and also Chang Cheh's biggest HK box office hit.
224. I don't recall FLAG OF IRON being filled with "don't-blink-or-you-will-miss-something" gags, Ric. Maybe you mean the unusually short fight scenes? I've seen the film many times and haven't noticed anything any different aside from the fact that the editors could've shaved off about 15 minutes and it pales in comparison to the film it's a remake of--Chang's own THE DUEL (1971).
225. Meyers says this at the tail end of his MASKED AVENGERS synopsis: "Only three fearless fighters dare investigate, leading to mass murder and magnificent martial arts." *--Just who in the hell are the three fearless fighters? It's a group of them!
226. Ric's brilliance at making shit up is utilized yet again with his description for LEGEND OF THE BAT (1978). The last sentence reads, "The movie is also a significant milestone in the amount of female flesh revealed onscreen." *--Ooookayyyy. There's a scene where a few naked girls are fished out of the water, but we barely get a look at them, and I'm not sure how a few seconds of bare skin accounts for a milestone. Apparently, Meyers hadn't actually watched any of Li Han Hsiang's erotic pictures. But then, he doesn't seem to watch the movies he claims he's seen, either.
227. "I want to help make an authentic kung fu videogame." *--I think you've helped enough just in your spreading the counterfeit kung fu info. ( interview; Sept. 2011)
228. Meyers was replaced as director of his own movie, FILMS OF FURY, by two guys named Andy.
229. Ric considers KUNG FU PANDA 2 (2011) a failure. He also was disenchanted to discover that his "straightforward rules of kung fu" he gave to the director were ignored and discarded. I'd like to shake her hand. However, he praises the KUNG FU PANDA TV series since, not surprisingly, he was allegedly a "Creative Consultant" on it.
230. And finally, I figure it's fitting to close on this classic Meyerism from the KUNG FU MASTER (1994) audio commentary that also had Bobby Samuels and Frank Djeng picking up Ric's slack. At one point, Ric goes on and on about some director named Lau Ka Yung who's done a lot of films for Shaw Brothers which were, at the time (again, according to Err Meyers) being held hostage by the studio. We'll pick it up here....
Bobby Samuels: Now do you mean Lau Kar YUNG or Lau Kar LEUNG?
Ric Meyers: (Silence)
Ric: (Silence)
Bobby: Who are you talking about?!
Ric: What's the difference?!
Is that classic shit, or what?! This article isn't necessarily a condemnation of Ric Meyers; well, it is, but mostly, it's simply addressing a problem that still persists from a guy who takes an enormous amount of pride in having "started it all", and it was already started before he began making shit up, mixing and matching actors and actresses, royally fucking up basic kung fu iconography and generally making a mockery of the martial arts film genre. To use your own phrase, "You Don't Know Fu!" If ever there were tall tales to be told, Ric was the teller. If nothing else, I've given Err Ric (see what I did there?) a lot of information for his next book. This article could of been longer, but I think you guys have suffered, and been tortured enough.
Wow! A great yet frustrating series. How many of commentaries did you listen to? I remember years ago, before the internet, there wasn't much available on HK cinema & ACC was one of the few resources as well as his book. It didn't take long to realize just how little he knew but yet he still kept getting work. I would read the reviews and after seeing the movie I'd often wonder if we watched the same film.
You'd think that after so many years you would absorb some knowledge but that doesn't seem to be the case. Is it a willful ignorance or does he actually believe the BS he spews? I guess its kind of inspirational that you can build a career being a self-proclaimed expert yet know very little about your subject.
Thanks for writing this, you listen so we don't have to.
Well, I have a little over a dozen of them. I'd given a few others away, so I wasn't able to give those a re-listen.
I had only recently decided to do this after seeing a couple very recent interviews with him, and the blatant bullshit was still the same, and he's since added some new crap to his repertoire.
Considering the subject matter, I assume nobody would bother to double check him. His background and previous endeavors as a fiction writer (haha!) no doubt helped, too.
I think he's a narcissist and a compulsive liar. He also seems to enjoy being in the spotlight, mercilessly hawking his wares and holds major grudges to those who reject his work ie his long running verbal and written feud against the Shaw's and most recently with the makers of KUNG FU PANDA 2.
It's really shocking that a man who has been doing this for over 30 years now still doesn't know the difference between Cantonese and Mandarin as proven from the Introduction of his newest book. It's a travesty, really.
You're welcome, Django211, I'm glad you found the article of interest!
I'm glad that you've successfully finished your Ric Meyers posts, because I don't think I can handle banging my face against my desk anymore. Make him stop, please!
Giiiiirrrrrl, you should listen to this damn podcast he's on from a few nights ago. I think I am actually called out on it, lol.
Anyways, it's friggin' hilarious how Ric starts off from jump when he's intro'd at 39 minutes in about "somebody" hatin' on him online.
Awesome stuff, dude. I share your immense distaste for everything Ric Meyers, and while I have tear tracks on my cheeks from laughing so hard, im also truly fucking amazed at how he has kept this charade going for this long... I mean, that's actually pretty impressive!
I believe he is a full on sociopath. Cuz no normal person (outside of politicians maybe) could make a living out of lying through their teeth every single day, and still look themselves in the mirror, or sleep well at night.
i think he's sad, tragic, comical and completely insane!
Thanks for a great read!
Jay Lee aka TibetanWhiteCrane aka Shingenken
Hello, Jay. I am glad you enjoyed this series of articles! I think Meyers has seen it, too, actually!
He's a fascinating subject for the very reasons you listed alone, and amazing that he's been able to stay in the game this long. Since posting this, there have been some funny stories that have since occurred as well as some things I wanted to include, but didn't as they were far too sleazy.
Anyways, thanks for reading, and you're quite welcome!
You should have brought the sleaze.... we can take it:)
I gather that the King Boxer bit you were refering to, was the old story of the late Linn Haynes watching a screen playing the movie at some expo or something, when Meyers strolls by and asks Linn if he knows what movie that is, to which he replies "King Boxer", and Meyers arrogantly comes back with "no, it's Five Fingers Of Death" and walks off, thinking he just schooled somebody with his infinite wisdom!
Man that is comedy gold!
There was one story in particular I had on good authority it was true, but it was so bad, I thought it best not to include it.
Yes, that's the one regarding KING BOXER. I actually had a lot more Meyerisms for a couple more pieces, but figured 7 chapters was enough, lol. And that wasn't even including the Japanese stuff save for that one portion. From what I am told, just about all of his Japanese stuff is all messed up; the historical and the cinema stuff.
On a recent podcast he was on where he subtlely called me out, he tried to cover himself by saying some of his commentaries are bad, but only the three Gordon Lu-wee ones because he was exhausted from doing three back to back, lol. Personally, I've never been so tired that I made up random shit off the top of my head.
But yeah, that INHERITOR OF KUNG FU one is the worst period. I defy anybody to come up with a commentary worse than that one. It trumps the rest, lol. And it carries over onto some of Ric's other patently shitty commentaries, too, lol.
Where can we hear these podcasts?
LOL 7 of the funniest and most entertaining, but also most interesting posts on your awesome blog.
Never seen a Shaw Bros film and I doubt ever ill - still, I EXTREMELY enjoyed reading all this hilarious stuff :)
@ Django211: It's here...
@ Harry: Haha, thanks, Harry! Dude, you should seriously check out stuff like 5 ELEMENT NINJAS, MASKED AVENGERS, WHAT PRICE HONESTY, KILLER CONSTABLE, SECRET SERVICE OF THE IMPERIAL COURT, etc, etc. They bring the gore with lots of action and compelling plots much of the time. All of those I just listed have been reviewed here, btw.
osh ! I didn't get to read part 7 before now ! Just brilliant !! Have you posted it on the heroic page yet ? I love the ending, just like the TAI CHI MASTER incident were Ric talks about Yuen Wo Ping AND his brother. Ric : " ..In fact I be hard pressed to say they are not the same guy..." I mean WTF?? That is an insane statement !! :D
LOL. Yes, I posted it at the Heroic Sisterhood page the night I posted it here, Tat. I don't have his TAI CHI MASTER commentary, but he makes similar statements on others that are equally as frustrating and hilarious. He should really stick to writing fiction and leave the non-fiction topics alone as he seems to be unable to differentiate the two, lol.
I listened to that podcast and I felt sorry for the hosts. I'm sure they had no idea what they were getting into. He went on & on about himself, I can just see him clutching a copy of his book and stroking it like Gollum. He also kept going on with some of his same ol' BS.
He mentioned Siskel & Ebert choosing Kung Fu films in their Stinkers of the Week. Again another falsehood. They never really chose those kind of films for their show. In fact Roger Ebert sung the praises of Infra-Man quite regularly. Its a guilty pleasure of his and he makes no excuses for it.
He seems to insert himself whenever he can into history, usually it can't be verified either. Creative consultant gigs just don't happen to have credits making it much harder to call BS on it. Once again a great job and I don't know how you made 7 articles on this blowhard a fun read. I hope you expose more people to his special brand of BS.
I think MAD MONKEY KUNG FU made it onto one of the dogs of the week, but mostly it was trash, exploitation movies that got put on there. And who cares what Siskel and Ebert think? Ebert also went gaga over MIGHTY PEKING MAN, too, lol.
After having some heated conversation with those guys on facebook, they knew full well about Meyers beforehand.
His remark about SUPERMAN with Boyle having his footage scrapped and BEatty taking over was some BS, too. Boyle only auditioned for the role unless what's stated on the DVD is wrong and Meyers is right, lol.
Thanks for this very informative series of articles. It has helped me get over my urge to buy the books on Asian cinema that he has written.
I had already made the mistake of buying Thomas Weisser's Japanese Cult Cinema book, and I hated myself for it.
You're welcome. It gets so frustrating that some folks have such a reputation and continue to get paid to spread falsified information on a wide scale, and promote it.
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