V/H/S 2012
Starring lots and lots of people
Directed by Adam Wingard, David Bruckner, Ti West, Glenn McQuaid, Joe Swanberg, Radio Silence
The Short Version: Proudly proclaimed by numerous critics as some sort of inventively terrifying anthology film uniquely unified within the 'found footage' format. And you would be fooled, too. This bloody balderdash is the dumbest, biggest cheat of a horror film to come along in some time. Exactly HOW these "movies" ended up on tape is never explained and question marks loom large over the bulk of these stories whose endings are more akin to a hemorrhoid than a sting in the tail. There are two good segments--the first and fifth story--and that's because they make the most sense. More CRAPSHOW than CREEPSHOW (watch that instead!), this two hour travesty has an occasional retro feel, variance in its stories as well as in the types of media used to present them, but don't take that as a recommendation for this critically lauded P/O/S.
Probably what angers me the most is that this titanic two hour turd has been praised to high heaven by virtually every major review site which only made me want to see this even more. What movie did they see, actually?!
The Hollywood Reporter says, "Refreshingly, V/H/S promises no more than it delivers, always a plus with genre fare."--While this isn't overt praise, this review implies this movie is REFRESHING.
Dread Central says, "All five shorts and the wrap-around fit seamlessly together, bringing an entirely new spin on the seemingly exhausted found footage flavor of genre films. It is a relief that this style of filmmaking, though overused, can still have an entry that is enjoyable from start to finish."--While viewers finding this "enjoyable from start to finish" is entirely subjective, the only enjoyable part for me was when it was over with. Also, I found nothing seamless about the five shorts especially considering that the wraparound is "wrapped up" before the last story even begins! I'm still trying to figure out what that "new spin" is.
Horrornews.net says, "This was a movie by horror fans, for horror fans. It succeeds at what it is supposed to do: it entertains, and more importantly, it scares the audience."--I was rarely entertained and scared was not the emotion this P/O/S invoked. It was anger that I wasted $11 on a PPV worth a buck fifty as a rental. If this is what horror fans making the movies think is what we want, it's time to break the mold and make a new one.
slashfilm.com says, "V/H/S reinvents the horror anthology movie with terrifying found footage". They also say, "The film is also a response to the current trend of PG-13 horror films. There is blood and guts, private parts get ripped apart, and you’ll see a bunch of topless women. While I expect this film to sell quick, this is a reason you might not see V/H/S in your local small town multiplex."--The only thing terrifying is how bad it is. The use of multiple styles of media for each story is inventive, but that's as far it goes. If you were to see this film in your local small town multiplex, 'quick' is an apt description of its marquee life.
hitfix.com says, "one of the scariest movies I've seen in recent memory."--Nowhere even as remotely scary as suffering through another Quentin Tarantino borefest or the thought of George Lucas repeatedly making his old films "better".
Arrow in the Head says, "Horror fans will absolutely love this."--This one didn't.
Geek Tyrant says, "These videos play out like R-rated Twilight Zone episodes. Each one has a great little twist and reveal..." They also say, "This was a hell of a fun movie to watch, and if you enjoy watching horror films then you're going to love V/H/S."--This antholo-bomination is seriously lacking in "great little twists" and the bulk of the reveals will have you scratching your head to the point of drawing blood. I'd enjoy watching paint dry as opposed to watching this again.
And now for the stories themselves. There's nothing worth spoiling here, but in case you absolutely are DYING to lose 120 minutes you'll never get back, you may want to skip the rest of the review. The above portion adequately sums up my frustration with this movie; made all the more aggravating in that it was the single most eagerly awaited horror film of the year for me that I ended up wasting the equivalent of 2 1/2 gallons of gas to see on PPV.
"Tape 56"
Three crooks who randomly make videos of them destroying private property, raping women and beating people up are contacted by a mysterious individual who states they will pay them handsomely if they will break into an old man's house and steal an allegedly rare VHS tape.
"Amateur Night"
Three incredibly annoying guys embark on a night of debauchery and are unable to find any women willing to put up with their neolithic behavior. However, the nerdish member of the group attracts the attention of a peculiar girl in a bar. Finally finding one other girl who's either drunk or stoned, the three men take the two girls back to their motel room where things go terribly wrong.
"Second Honeymoon"
"Tuesday the 17th"
Wendy and three of her friends head out into the woods in and around her hometown where years before, a series of killings occurred by a mass murderer who is said to still be at large.
Do not adjust your tracking or TV, those squiggly lines to the right are the killer |
The plot is nonsensical and incredibly stupid. That this girl wants to track down some supernatural mad slasher that's camouflaged like the Predator is already stretching it, but that she deliberately sacrifices her friends and boyfriend as bait for this killer who takes on the form of video distortion is ludicrous. It's also revealed that Wendy makes this trip annually. So has she been luring friends to their deaths all those times, too?! Another waste of film and of time.
"The Sick Thing That Happened To Emily When She Was Younger"
This is possibly the dumbest tale simply because it leaves the viewer with the most unanswered questions. The amount of head-scratching this 20 minute mess incurs is on par with the amount of severe scratching Emily does on her arm. A modicum of suspense is created, but flushed down the toilet towards the end when it's revealed James isn't actually in Michigan, but... in the next fucking room?!?!?! Apparently, James is either an alien, or working for the aliens and the ghost children seen in her "apartment" are aliens using him for some unknown experiments.
Since the framing device finishes up here, does it still count as a framing device? Who the hell put the last tape in the machine?! How the hell did all these things end up on tape in the first place?! Regardless, this last segment is better than anything the so-called framing device, or any of the other stories were able to muster.
Three friends are invited to a Halloween party but end up at the wrong house that turns out to be a lot more than haunted.
This simple segment derives the most creepiness and also has the most life of anything else this picture has to offer. It's a rather quickly paced spookshow that climaxes in high fashion even if the last scene is hardly a stinger, it's still far more worthwhile than the previous 105 minutes.
Had the other segments contained the level of spooky spunk this tail end tale has, we'd have something resembling the level of high praise afforded this waste of tape space. Don't adjust your tracking, don't be kind by rewinding, just return it. If you must watch, fast forward after the first story to the last one and hope the VCR doesn't eat the tape before it gets there. This is one video not worth the upgrade to DVD.
A succinct extermination Mr. Bankston! So the 'found footage' faux-documentary horror film finally catches up with the portmanteau format. We've had all the other sub-genres and forms...witchcraft, monster movies, poltergeists, demonic possession, zombies. The only thing left is vampires and werewolves...unless there is some piece of shit I've forgotten about? And still after all these years not a single one of them is fit to tie the shoelaces of THE LAST BROADCAST.
I particularly liked your inclusion of quotes from the brain dead post-apocalyptic wasteland that passes for horror film websites. The one from Slashfilm.com was very illuminating, and illustrates exactly what denominator the site appeals too. Such moronic criticism leaves me tempted to totally abandon reviewing horror films and instead concentrate on European art cinema.
There might be, Shaun. There's so many of these things out there now, I am not entirely sure if there's one with vamps or werewolves yet. TRICK R TREAT was an anthology film that was a breath of fresh air. Not a 'found footage' fiasco, but a well done and inventive omnibus with stories that overlap one another.
I was a bit shocked at the mountains of praiseworthy spooge this VHS has gotten. I was terribly disappointed in it. Not too far off the path of your last comment, Shaun, but it's movies like this that make me want to abandon reviewing newer horror pictures.
Pretty much agree with you on everything you wrote. First and last epsiode are nice, the rest sucks balls.
Thanks to douchebag "Mr Disgusting" Brad Miska who probably paid all the critics to write some uber-awesome hype-reviews.
I really wanted to see this, Harry. I thought the plot was eerie and with all the praise it was getting, my expectations were really high. Talk about a letdown. Yeah, if I remember right, Miska got a credit at the end for the anthology idea. What the hell?!
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