"After more than a decade of promises and hopes, we're still left with only the bootlegs while Run Run Shaw is still laughing the longest, loudest...and last." *--Ric's pomposity knows no bounds; this being from 2002 shortly before the Shaw remasters emerged. So not only did Shaw refuse your written word, but he also got the last loud and long laugh on you, Ric.
*This is a BIG'UN. Some last minute additions demanded it. The breadth of this post will go a long way in painting an even bigger picture of Ric's path of destruction and we're only covering his raping of Asian movies. On another note, Fellow blogger, Steve Hardy who runs the dedicated and well written Asian cinema blog, Chopsticks On Fire contributed an hilarious image (see above) and samurai cinema celebrity, Brick McBurly kindly consented to allow his review for one of Ric's non Chinese crash and burn commentaries. Also, a big thank you to Japanese cinema authority, Michael Reid for providing me with a lot of helpful information on Nipponese cinema. *

He's also displayed a total inability to take photos without shoving his book into the camera. Also, he rarely goes too long without promoting himself, or his "accomplishments", the likes of which truly pornogrify (haha, I just made that word up) the meaning. His special brand of back patting is legendary and frequently mentioned throughout this series; the one quoted below being an especially choice example.
"What can I say? I don't want to take credit for psychically forcing the Shaw Brothers Studio to finally put their movies where their mouths are, but what else can we conclude? Here are the facts. You be the judge." *--Yes, the FACTS, Ric. Amazingly, when the Shaw titles were finally confirmed to be hitting DVD shelves, Meyers tried to take credit for their release!
Even more ignominious was after years of stating the Shaw films were either destroyed in a fire, or dissolved, when they finally did surface beautifully restored in widescreen, Meyers brazenly alluded that he was somehow responsible! He made even more outrageous statements that he had predicted it(!) despite his repeated claims of the disintegration of the Shaw library by whatever catastrophe he happened to decide on at the moment. After all these years of spreading an incredible, and uncatalogued degree of exaggerations and fabrications, Meyers is still in business snagging numerous gigs and landing jobs where he continues to make a mockery of the genre all the while masquerading as kung fu's champion.
If that weren't "hand on the chalkboard" enough, in the trailer for Meyers' "movie", Lo Lieh is incorrectly labeled as Gordon Liu! He may not be directly responsible for that one, but it's hilarious knowing his reputation for doing this same exact thing that it would manage to seep into a film he had a hand in.
"One extra, though, just flat out sucks. This is the first film in the Samurai Cinema series that has included film commentary, and Animeigo couldn’t have picked someone worse to do it. The commentary is by one Ric Meyers...The short version is that Meyers buys into Ninjer lore big time, doesn’t talk about the film, and really enjoys talkin’ about Ric Meyers. It’s awful, and only the pile of dung that is the commentary for Snake Woman’s Curse keeps it from bein’ the worst DVD film commentary the Brickster’s ever heard." *--Japanese celebrity and samurai cinema specialist, Brick McBurly brilliantly summing up Asian cinemas "leading authority" after listening to his SHINOBI NO MONO 2 commentary track.

If his decade spanning mutilation of Chinese cinema weren't damaging enough, Meyers has also turned his trademarked Asian Death Ray against the artistry of Japanese Chambara pictures. Like Godzilla crushing Tokyo underfoot, Monster Meyers unleashed his 'no-nothing-at-all' on a slew of DVD releases from Animiego, a company that specializes in Japanese samurai cinema. Discs such as the SHOGUN ASSASSIN box set, the SLEEPY EYES OF DEATH box set and SHINOBI NO MONO 2 all bear his seppuka inducing vocal accompaniment.
"One extra, though, just flat out sucks. This is the first film in the Samurai Cinema series that has included film commentary, and Animeigo couldn’t have picked someone worse to do it. The commentary is by one Ric Meyers...The short version is that Meyers buys into Ninjer lore big time, doesn’t talk about the film, and really enjoys talkin’ about Ric Meyers. It’s awful, and only the pile of dung that is the commentary for Snake Woman’s Curse keeps it from bein’ the worst DVD film commentary the Brickster’s ever heard." *--Japanese celebrity and samurai cinema specialist, Brick McBurly brilliantly summing up Asian cinemas "leading authority" after listening to his SHINOBI NO MONO 2 commentary track.
If his decade spanning mutilation of Chinese cinema weren't damaging enough, Meyers has also turned his trademarked Asian Death Ray against the artistry of Japanese Chambara pictures. Like Godzilla crushing Tokyo underfoot, Monster Meyers unleashed his 'no-nothing-at-all' on a slew of DVD releases from Animiego, a company that specializes in Japanese samurai cinema. Discs such as the SHOGUN ASSASSIN box set, the SLEEPY EYES OF DEATH box set and SHINOBI NO MONO 2 all bear his seppuka inducing vocal accompaniment.
"The Brickster usually likes to keep things on a postive note, but I just heard the second worst samurai film commentary of all time and I feel the need to do some rantin'." *--Where have I heard something similar before? Hmmmmm.....
"To my knowledge, this is the first time Animeigo has included commentary on one of its 'Samurai Cinema' releases, and hopefully they can get someone better next time (like Pat Galloway, fer crissakes)." *--Pat Galloway is a noted, very much learned expert on Japanese cinema and an author of three great books on the subject.
"No such luck. Now, Ric Meyers doesn't seem to know a lot about Japanese history, samurai, ninja, or film history, but he sure does know a lot about Ric Meyers. Unfortunately, he's more than happy to share, and takes up a huge chunk of the film's openin' tellin' you how great he is and also spends time later tellin' you how fantastic his Ninja Master books are and how they'll give you a true picture of ninjitsu. In fact, he spends more time time doin' this than he does talkin' about the film-a cardinal sin. If yer doin' commentary, COMMENT ON THE DAMN FILM. I don't think he actually speaks of the film for more than 10-15 minutes of the runnin' time." *--The more of this condemnation of Ric's pestilent potpourri I read, the more I think McBurly and I have to be kindred spirits of some kind.
"He's also a self proclaimed butcher of the Japanese language, which he admits to twice durin' the proceedin's. To give you an idea, he pronounces the name of the hero, Goemon, as 'Go-Man'. Similar names and titles get the same treatment." *--Ric "The Butcher" Meyers has committed similar atrocities on the Chinese language, too, Brick. This series of articles is infested with them. If he's not mangling names, he's giving them to the wrong damn actor.

"Sheesh...I think I can calm down now. By all means, buy the DVD-it's fantastic. But I'm tellin' ya-don't press that commentary button, unless you've got a strong masochistic streak." *--The use of "masochistic streak" would no doubt get Ric all a tingle since he's a fist pumpin' purveyor of Japanese bondage-rape movies. He's also starred in, and allegedly directed two bondage porn flicks (which are covered in Part 1); one of which he bragged about a 'Hard Work' fight scene he participated in. Honestly, Meyers' boasting of this scene is premature and far from the money shot he would have you believe. See what I did there?
"Not only is Shinobi No Mono 3: Resurrection (BW, 1963) the best of the ‘Goemon’ trilogy that led off the eight film series, but it’s made even better by the fact that Animeigo was smart enuff to not include a wretched commentary track by Ric Myers this time around! No more hearin’ about how Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is the best of the western ninja films, loads of factual errors, butchered Japanese names, boatloads of ninja legends floated as fact, or Myers singin’ his own praises as a self-proclaimed ninja expert." *--This is a bonus Brick remark of an already bonus series of Meyerisms detailed by somebody else who has experienced the Horrors of the Malformed Meyers Mendacity.
It's been passed on to me that Animeigo used Ric the Great for their releases because he was a good talker, was enthusiastic about the job and to top it off, worked for free. Not only has the man been a virtual Pied Piper of Chinese martial arts cinema, but now he's set his prevaricative sights on samurai movies in what is the equivalent of cinematic rape. Unfortunately, the fine folks at Animeigo forgot what their parents told them about accepting candy from strangers; especially those unassuming clowns brandishing a Shaolin Abbot beard and a neverending array of Hawaiian T-shirts.
NUMBERS 153-194 including bonus Japanese Meyers Malarkey!
153. "...so I was ahead of the curve there, and ever since I have remained ahead of the curve because I’ve found that Americans, as I say in the American chapter in the book, don’t like kung fu. They like taekwondo. They like karate. They like stuff that’s angry, that’s aggressive, where you can look cool and use your muscles and your emotions. While kung fu is very, you know, Kung Fu Panda [and] Shaolin Soccer." *--Tell that to everybody who was 'Kung Fu Fighting' with Carl Douglas back in the 1970s you babbling moron. (craveonline.com interview)
154. States on the INHERITOR OF KUNG FU (the 1981 movie he stupidly believes is the 1977 film) commentary that Chu Yu-wan's (it's Chu Yuan, of course) swordplay films will never be seen in America because they are gone forever.
155. Ric makes the absurd statement that the director of INHERITOR OF KUNG FU has "obviously never done martial arts movies before." * The director is Pao Hsueh Li, who formerly was a cinematographer and directed numerous Shaw Brothers action movies including several co-directed efforts with Chang Cheh as well as a slew of independent features.
156. Once more on the INHERITOR OF KUNG FU commentary, Meyers, who apparently isn't watching the film, credits I Kuang as screenwriter despite it being written by Jin Shu Mei (who also wrote and supervised THE HEROES), who also happened to be married to the director, Pao Hsueh Li. I Kuang actually is writer on the OTHER film that bears this same title.
157. States actor Chen Hung Lieh only directed one movie despite four other directing credits.
158. THE CASINO from 1972 is the first kung fu gambling movie, Ric, despite you listing it as uncategorizable.
159. States Cheng Tien Chi went from starring in SUPER NINJAS from 1982 to SEVEN STEPS OF KUNG FU in 1979.
160. In 2001, Ric wasn't sure if BELLS OF DEATH (1968) was a Shaw Brothers production or not, despite the widescreen Southgate tape having been around for almost two decades. He calls it a kung fu movie even though there's no kung fu, but plenty of Japanese styled swordplay.
161. On the back cover of the SWORDSMAN & ENCHANTRESS (1978) Hong Kong DVD, Meyers writes "...wushu warriors try to attain the 'deer sword' and escape from the insidious maze-like 'Toy Land'....a fascinating and entertaining adventure of consummate swordsmen and sorceresses." *--There is a Toy Land, but no mazes, nor are there any sorceresses.
162. Meyers enjoys repeating a lot of the same bullshit from one joke commentary to the next. For the third time, he mentions Ti Lung starring in Chang Cheh's 8 MAN ARMY; a film "which has never been shown here." *--It's never been shown anywhere, Ric, because the damn thing doesn't exist.
163. Constantly refers to HEROES OF THE EAST (1978) as the KRAMER VS. KRAMER of kung fu movies. The correlation, aside from two bickering married couples, between the two films alludes me.
164. "For years I’ve been advising the DVD industry that they need to put their Hong Kong Cinema releases into context." *--What the Obama of the Martial Arts film genre is REALLY saying here is that he wants to do commentaries and synopsis' for any and all Asian films so that he can thoroughly piss all over them in his own inimitable fashion by making up random stories, misnaming the actors and intermittently shill his wares on those watching and the unfortunate souls that listen to his useless commentaries. That run-on sentence was enough to make ya choke, but it had to be done.
165. Ric, to this day, makes the generality that American action filmmakers grew up watching fullscreen kung fu movies which explains why they shoot all the action so tight in the camera. He usually adds to this how he saw them in beautiful widescreen prints in theaters as if nobody else had ever done so.
166. "I hope you enjoyed those credits, by the way, because those are the only ones you get! (Laughs) You don't get the co-stars, you don't get, uh, the writer, you don't get nothin', except, of course, here on the audio commentary track. That's what I am here to tell you." *--We, the viewers, would get more accurate info by you shutting up.
167. CALL ME DRAGON, starring Bruce Liang and Yasuaki Kurata was made in 1974, not 1978.
168. On the commentary for THE FISTS, THE KICKS AND THE EVILS (1979), both Meyers and Samuels refer to ACTOR Lin Ho Nien (THE MASTER [1980]) as Lee Tso Nam, the DIRECTOR of such movies as THE HOT, THE COOL AND THE VICIOUS (1976) and CHALLENGE OF DEATH (1978). They also insinuate Lee Tso Nam is the credited director, Do Liu Boh, whose name graces the credits of very different movies. The plot thickens.
169. Again on the FISTS, KICKS AND EVILS ramblefest, Ric reads off his IMDB list yet again, but for whatever reason, forgets once more to discuss Bruce Liang's father, Liang Shao Sung, who was also an actor and martial arts choreographer.
170. Ric mildly argues with Bobby Samuels on 1978s NINJA CHECKMATE (MYSTERY OF CHESSBOXING) commentary over whether the film is a Taiwanese or HK production. "...Daniel Farmer and Bruce Long, who are sort of, like my fact checkers along with, uh, Laynez Zebrowski(?) always does the fact checking on my writing..." *--To quote Donald Trump, "You're fired."
171. The movie with the flying spiders and black monk is not NINJA HUNTER (1984), Ric. It's NINJA: THE FINAL DUEL (1986).
172. On the commentary for NINJA CHECKMATE, alias MYSTERY OF CHESSBOXING (1978), both Meyers and Samuels subtlely address fan criticism of their frequently erroneous play by play but ask for "constructive comments...be nice, or be gone...we have enough abuse in our lives without you guys..." *--Get your shit right, Ric, and maybe you wouldn't get abuse. You been fuckin' up for what, 30 years now? And stop makin' shit up, too, while you're at it.
173. "My work speaks for itself." *--Let's see, we are six chapters in, and so far, this is the single most accurate thing you have EVER said.
174. On the same NINJA CHECKMATE commentary, Ric reads excerpts from other peoples writing including a lengthy, nauseatingly dull overview of Chinese Checkers (don't laugh!) that goes on for what seems like an eternity.
175. If I listen to one more Rollickin' Ric commentary where 60% of it is reading verbatim from IMDB and the other 40% is repeated, nonsensical, wishy-washy jargon from other commentaries I'm gonna take revenge for master.
176. The June 1997 issue of Asian Cult Cinema was the inaugural appearance of Meyers' 'Ric and Infamous' column. He starts things off by feverishly patting himself on the back about his "god given talents" then proceeds to heap praise on his own book and any other book his greasy mits have touched pen to paper. Meanwhile, other far more reliable and respectable authors such as Bey Logan have their contributions referred to as "a considerable continuation" or a "fine fan's celebration."
177. In nearly every single article and column write up from Meyers, he consistently promotes himself and his books either at the start, at the end, or often times, both. The man's back surely must be sore by now.
178. In the January, 1998 issue of Asian Cult Cinema, Ric states this regarding the re-opening of the Shaw Brothers studio--"...the majority of people the studio fired are still begging for work. Will the disgraced and rejected be allowed back? Will they be willing to work for a pittance and/or a room in the old Shaw star dorms?" *--apparently Ric still felt the sting of Sir Run Run Shaw not showing any interest in having a copy of his catty contribution to the "Hard Work" genre so he felt the need to make up yet another scathingly crude remark. How the hell can one man be so ego-crushed when his book was jam packed with more lies than all of former USA Today reporter and Nobel Prize finalist Jack Kelley's crap combined.
179. In the same issue, Meyers actually refers to his updated book as "long awaited". Yes, Ric, we kung fu fans were waiting with bated breath for your special brand of falsified information.
180. Asian cult Cinema issue 22 has a multitude of culture clashing Meyerisms--He rambles on and on about how so many of Hollywood's high society continuously refers to 'Kung Fu Movies' as 'Karate Movies', etc; something he still does today. If only we could get you to properly recognize the right damn movie you're doing commentary for, or know the correct name for whoever happens to be onscreen at the time. Also, Meyers still doesn't know the difference between Cantonese and Mandarin.
181. In the same issue, Meyers attempts to champion his false stance for truth, justice and the American way by denouncing an alleged NY Times article that listed translated Cantonese titles of American movies. No one in their right mind would have taken this list seriously--a list that was proven mere days later to be a hoax--but Meyers uses it as a means by which to stand atop his double-dealing, and very slippery soap box.
182. In issue 23 from 1999 of Asian Cult Cinema, Meyers refers to his own book on martial arts movies as groundbreaking. Okay. I guess I will step into the Meyers-Zone and state that this article here on his ignominious, misguided label as a "leading authority" is "groundbreaking", too!
183. In issue 29 of Asian Cult Cinema from 2000, Meyers refers to HITMAN IN THE HAND OF BUDDHA (1981) as Hwang Jang Lee's only hero role. I guess movies like RAGING RIVALS, FIVE FINGERS OF STEEL and SHAOLIN FIST OF FURY don't count.
184. ACC Issue 33 from 2001 features more mythomaniacal Meyerisms with his continued animosity directed towards Sir Run Run Shaw--"The sad fact of the matter is that if Run Run Shaw had known how successful his films would be on American television, he never would have sold them to World Northal's Black Belt Theater. He seemed more interested in making some fast, easy money than actually giving his stars and directors international credibility." *--Lo Lieh in STRANGER & THE GUNFIGHTER? David Chiang in LEGEND OF THE SEVEN GOLDEN VAMPIRES? Ti Lung in SHATTER? The plethora of Shaw actors in CLEOPATRA JONES & THE CASINO OF GOLD? Please refer to Part 5 to see that both Shaw Brothers and Kung Fu movies were Alive and Well, and Living In the 1970s long before Shaw sold them to television.
185. For this one here, forget for a moment that Meyers had previously and repeatedly stated the Shaw library was gone forever. In issue 37 from 2002 of Asian Cult Cinema, Meyers has the temerity to allude to the notion that his participation has made the crew at Celestial realize these are more than just 700+ of old movies. He even goes on to boast about helping them with behind the scenes articles! What articles? This would explain why some of the extra features have conflicting information.
186. To bask in the sloppiness of the now buried rag mag, Asian Cult Cinema, it should be noted that Ric's column, 'Ric and Infamous' is frequently mislabeled in the Table of Contents as beginning on the wrong page, or not even listed at all!
187. Filmmaker and former ACC columnist, Max Allan Collins once made the remark that Ric Meyers was "doing a hell of a job on those [DVD] commentaries."--If spreading lies, blatantly making shit up and erroneously mislabeling actors, directors and entire movies constitutes doing a "hell of a job", then Meyers has cornered the market.
188. If Ric fucking up Chinese movies and becoming a "leading authority" in the process weren't bad enough, he also has seen fit to rape the shit out of Japanese movies, too. In his "revised and corrected" 2001 update of his first book from 1985, Meyers seems to have corrected little, if anything at all. He claims there are 11 films in the SLEEPY EYES OF DEATH series starring Raizo Ichikawa when it's actually 12, plus two more with Hiroki Matsukata making 14 total for Daiei's series.
189. Meyers claims to be a huge fan of the Zatoichi series and proves it by describing the first film in great detail... only this feeble-minded synopsis belongs to the first sequel, THE TALE OF ZATOICHI CONTINUES (1962).
190. Ric puts in some serious overtime massacring the famed ZAT series further by proclaiming ZATOICHI ON THE ROAD (he refers to it as ZATOICHI & THE SCOUNDRELS) is not only from 1964, but it is also the sixth film in the series as well as the first in color. It's from 1963, is the FIFTH film in the series and the THIRD movie was the first in color. Phew!
191. On a related note, Ric continues his problem with numbers by stating there are only seven films in the eight film SHINOBI NO MONO series starring Raizo Ichikawa.
192. Toho took over the series for the last three entries despite Meyers saying it was two. These three are ZATOICHI AT LARGE, ZATOICHI IN DESPERATION and ZATOICHI'S CONSPIRACY.
193. Meyers is also apparently oblivious to the fact that there are three films in the HANZO THE RAZOR trilogy. He only discusses the first two, but leaves out the third, WHO'S GOT THE GOLD? (1974) without even a mention of it.
194. Just what in the hell are the GAMBLER COP and LONE WOLF GAMBLER series' starring Sonny Chiba, Ric?! Must be more of that patented creative licensing that made Meyers such an attractive proposition for Thomas Weisser's Asian Cult Cinema magazine; a publication where some of the contributors lived in the Land of Made Up Shit. I am gonna assume Err Meyers is attaching his own titles to Chiba's YAKUZA DEKA films and his co-starring role in WANDERING GINZA BUTTERFLY 2: SHE-CAT GAMBLER (1971).