Lo Lieh (Kao Tian), Chen Ping (Shu Lien), Chan Shen (Sheng Liang Ta), Ai Ti (Mu Lien), Lin Wei-Tu (Hung Wu), Ku Feng (Master Gan), Chiang Yang (Li Dou), Yang Chi Ching (Master Cui), Liu Hui Ling (Cui's daughter), Wang Ching Ho (Taoist Priest), Helen Ko (Tsai Hung), Terry Liu Hui-Yu (Madam Feng)
Directed by Chang I-Hu
The Short Version: Rare and obscure HK horror has some points of interest but not enough to allow it to emerge as a lost classic. The nudity and grue are plentiful, and it's also nice to see a prelude of a hopping vampire/ghost prior to Sammo's SPOOKY ENCOUNTERS and Ricky Lau's MR. VAMPIRE. The special effects are terribly primitive, but likewise in abundance. Despite some dramatic moments and a stellar turn from Lo Lieh, the film is just as exploitative as its title suggests.
Director Shin had just completed THE GHOST LOVERS (1974), a ghost picture starring Li Ching. For whatever reason, Shin severed his involvement with this movie leaving his colleague with sole credit.
Advertised as a romantic-horror production, the finished film has little room for romance, but crowds the screen with plentiful sex and nudity. It's likely a Korean and HK version was shot simultaneously. The shot to the left features Chan Shen and a different, and very nude actress seen in the actual Hong Kong film itself.
At about the halfway mark, gore and ghosts are added to the mix when it becomes a full fledged revenge movie replete with arms being sliced off, ears ripped off, teeth spit out and chunks of scalp torn away revealing rotting, pus-filled wounds.

Oldschool Hong Kong horror movies almost always seemed to be grotesque tales masquerading as morality fables; their last scene often preaching to the audience just what the various Deadly Sins will bring you should you entertain them. This is one of the better aspects of this admittedly average motion picture.
There is no "I told you so" delivery during the closing moments of the film, but for the first 35 minutes or so, there's a fascinating subtext dealing with the subjugation, or attempted "liberation" of those with chaste and honorable values. This plot device crops up in many other HK movies of varying genres and is comparable to the 'have sex and die' thematic element that became de rigueur in American slasher pictures around 1980.
This is also an early example of the hopping ghost/hopping vampire genre that wouldn't exist till 1985s MR. VAMPIRE from director Ricky Lau. The Shaw-Hammer co-pro from 1974, THE LEGEND OF THE SEVEN GOLDEN VAMPIRES, flirted with hopping ghouls and there's some hopping corpses briefly seen in Shaw's BLACK MAGIC (1975).

Upon taking the lethal medicine, Shui Lien begins choking, her face turns green, eyes begin bleeding and her hair starts falling out. These deadly follicles later play a part in the revenge from beyond the grave motif that takes hold around the 40 minute mark.
At barely 76 minutes in length, this obviously troubled production has a few spots where some things could have been fleshed out, or built up a bit more. It's clear the makers are more interested in exploitation than anything else, although Lo Lieh emerges with the sole stand out performance amidst a cadre of soulless reprobates and naive stock victims.
There's a clear dichotomy drawn between Kao, Lo Lieh's character, and Hung Wu, the one played by Lin Wei-Tu. Lin is ecstatic at the thought of becoming successful through hard work while Kao is taking a more deceitful, less honest route that ends in murder.
Lo Lieh's character, Kao Tian is of particular interest. You expect him to go full on evil, but he's torn by his love for his sickly wife and the promise of wealth from a duplicitious family. Instead of rolling around exclusively in sleaze, the film takes a bit of time in exploring Lo's character and his acting totally makes him a believably tragic individual who still must atone for the tragedies he helped incur.

This was also Shin Sang Okk's last hurrah at Shaw, ever how much of this movie he actually directed. He had earlier guided the Shaw fantasy THE GODDESS OF MERCY in 1967 and also the obscure western style film THE BANDITS in 1971. Both directors seemed to have retreated to their native Korea around the same time.
***NOTE: Most sites have this listed as being titled NIGHT OF THE DEVIL'S BRIDE.***