William Smith (Neil Agar), Victoria Vetri (Julie Zorn), Anitra Ford (Dr. Susan Harris), Cliff Osmond (Captain Peters)
Directed by Denis Sanders
The Short Version: The director of STAR TREK 2 wrote this cult 70s sc-fi/horror favorite with a great cast and a trashily intriguing premise about women turned into sex-starved Bee Girls who give their male victims one helluva sting in the bedroom. The plot is never fully realized, but the end result is honey sweet just the same. We're also teased with multiple socio-sexual topics juggled about that were apropos to the decade (and still pertinent today) that could have pushed this beyond the B movie realm. In addition, there's lots of nudity and a moderately creepy ambiance as the female army of human Hymenoptera grows while the male population shrinks due to terminal sexual exhaustion. But what a way to go!
***WARNING! This review contains images of nudity***
The director of an Elvis documentary and writer Nicholas Meyer, the future helmsman of STAR TREK 2: THE WRATH OF KHAN (1982) put together the ultimate 'B' movie; the word Bee in the title also acting as a homonym for the category of film the BEE GIRLS sexily wallow in.
Aside from that, the film is a poster child for sex, sex and more sex. Either we see people doing it, or guys talking about doing it. Typical of 70s exploitation, the men are mostly depicted as the equivalent of cavemen; even those with reputable positions view women as little more than disposable sex objects till the next one comes along.
There's lots of flesh on display and the likes of Ford and Vetri (among others) do not mind baring it for the camera. For reasons never made quite clear, Ford's character, the bad doctor Harris, apparently plans to take over the world with her ever growing army of human Hymenoptera. In what is quite possibly the ultimate Women's Lib/Anti-Men movie, these Bee babes hit the male persuasion below the belt in their bid to put us out to pasture permanently.
Towards the end, the government cordons off the town hinting at the possibility of something bigger in the works; but William Smith heads back to the beehive and saves the day just in time for men everywhere to breath a sigh of relief that sex is safe once again.
There's also a promising degree of sociological and sexual subtext contained within Meyer's script, but it's never given the chance to go all the way. With so many avenues to explore (frustrated housewives becoming sexually liberated women, wife swapping, venereal diseases, homosexuality, the dominant male/submissive female dichotomy), it's a shame this low budget wonder remains confined within exploitation movie conventions, although it seems perfectly content with this drive in cult status.
It's nigh impossible to find a bad William Smith performance. His hero roles are relatively few when put next to a resume filled with memorable bad guys that are about as massive as his 6'2" frame. Appearing mostly in movies and television of the action variety, it's a treat to see him headlining a science fiction-horror-exploitation-drive in movie such as this. You can read more about William Smith and his extensive career as a Tough Guy HERE.
The sultry brunette will most likely be best remembered as a one of the models on the long running PRICE IS RIGHT gameshow back in the 1970s.
INVASION OF THE BEE GIRLS (1973) was one of those movies that would occasionally crop up on Shock Theater late at night around 12 or 1am. The shots of the women with their black eyes and eerie grins on their faces gave me the chills as a kid staying up late after my parents had went to bed.
INVASION OF THE BEE GIRLS is a wonderfully titled, campy little movie with a semi-intriguing premise, a fine cast, lots of nudity and an end credit sequence utilizing Strauss's 'Also Sprach Zarsthustra'. The Bee Girls all look menacingly spooky with their jet-black sunglasses which hide even blacker eyes. It may only tease the viewer with loftier ambitions, but what we get is truly one of the great drive in treasures of the 1970s.
This review is representative of the MGM Midnite Movies double feature DVD paired with INVASION OF THE STAR CREATURES (1962).