"I knew I wanted to do a 70s style horror thriller, specifically a slasher because I especially like that genre. So the challenge is to see if I could do for the slasher picture what I did with the heist movie in RESERVOIR DOGS..."-- If DEATH POOP is your version of a slasher flick, than Jason, Michael Myers and others have absolutely nothing to worry about.

Mind you, he wasn't the only one trying to find ANYTHING to lay blame onto. Nowadays, he (kind of) admits it's his worst movie, but also manages to defend it all at the same time.

It's time to put things into Bachman Turner Overdrive as CAC goes to the G****HOUSE! We gonna celebrate QT's high octane and action packed car-mash'em-up road rage spectacular said no one ever. There's also gonna be a lot of other shit thrown at the screen, too. And like that monumental misfire, this article is a double feature and might seem a little segmented at times. There seems to be some reels missing!
"If you ask me, the answer is none. I'm sure somebody else might find weaknesses, but I can't. If there's a weakness, I don't do it -- you'd never see the scene."-- QT when asked if he'd ever point out deficiencies in his own movies. However, history has shown his half of G****HOUSE wasn't DEATH PROOF after all, harharhar.

T's half of G****HOUSE is this two hour yapper entitled DEATH PROOF. It's described on rotten tomatoes as QT's "take on such peddle[sic]-to-the-metal shockers as WHITE LINE FEVER...". That's QT-Kool and all, but WHITE LINE FEVER (1975) isn't a shocker. It's a trucker revenge movie along the lines of WALKING TALL (1974).
"Oh, it was disappointing...it was disappointing, yeah. But the movie worked with the audience...I'm proud of my flop."-- It flopped, but it worked. Again, Tarantino continued to show signs of denial that his biggest egocentric movie of his career bombed mightily.

"DEATH PROOF is a film [Tarantino] simply cannot stop talking about..." -- Damon Wise simply cannot stop stroking Q's ego in an effort to deter from the fact that G****HOUSE had already sank as quickly as the Titanic on American movie screens.

I remember when this production was first announced, I admit I was intrigued by it, but mostly because Robert Rodriguez was involved. I'm not a great fan of his work either, but he has a far better grasp on capturing the essence of this sort of movie than Tarantino has. This was proven with PLANET TERROR, his half of G****HOUSE.

How ironic in that DEATH PROOF ultimately proved to be the exact antithesis of the type of film style he sought out to replicate. Even more ironic is that this is the one film of his that isn't a rip off or clone of anything in particular, yet it is as far removed from a traditional exploitation movie as you can get.

If anything, this two hour snoozer is a fine example of the Feetsploitation genre; a style of film uniquely Quentin's. There's feet all over the place. Feet in your face, feet getting multiple close-ups, feet in the rain, and feet dangling out of car windows.

Exactly how many exploitation movies cost $67 million dollars anyways?! How many of them are two hours long exactly?! How many of them feature 80 minutes of non-stop talking?! You could make a couple hundred exploitation movies for $67 million, none last two hours and the average running time for them is 80 minutes.

"I was going to play him. I’d trained to do the fights and everything, but it was such a big-deal movie that it needed all my attention directing."--QT stating he had originally planned to play Pai Mei in his KILL BILL slop-opus. This has nothing to do with DEATH CRAP. Apparently the wrong reel got slipped in here by mistake. -- The Management.

Hyped to high heaven, the 67 million flick (not counting $30 million in advertising) only managed to scrounge up a little over $25 million dollars. Add in a whopping $384,191 for the foreign take (where's the Italians and the Japanese when ya' need'em!), and you get a final tally of $25,422,088.

Probably in Tarantino's mind, had he released DEATH PHLEGM as a stand-alone feature in America, it would have fared much better. In interviews, he let it be known he was always making DEATH PROOF and not G****HOUSE, anyway. In the end it didn't matter what he was making as nobody went to see it overseas, either.
"When DEATH PROOF was released in the US last month, it turned out that the American public weren't used to getting so much of a good time. The double bill format confused them as did the fake trailers for non-existent films and the missing reels and scratchy celluloid." -- Damon Wise desperately trying to keep from saying just how badly this two fer' one twaddle bombed all on its own simply because it was a big mango-sized tank of exploitative shit.

"Even in the US, it satisfied enough cinemagoers to enter the Internet Movie Database's Top 250 of all time, with 26,000 thumbs up....70s double bills often featured movies that were misunderstood, unappreciated and ignored on their release."-- You gotta be fuckin' kiddin' me, alright? The movie did the worst in the UK as a solo! Damon Wise yet again rubbing QT's head letting him know it's gonna be alright, alright?

"I understand why things change, and I put the reason for them changing precisely on the price of a ticket. It was different when everything cost $3, or $3.50, or at the most $5. You could pay to see a cheap Jaws ripoff and pay the same money to see A Star Is Born, no worries. But now you're talking about $10, $12, it doesn't make sense."-- WTF, QT?! You made a hootin' stinkeroo, dude!!!

In exploring further where Damon Wise proclaimed that American audiences were confused by this gruesome twosome, the Weinstein's themselves got in on the act in an even more insulting way that was widely published in the media at the time.
"Our research showed the length kept people away....it was 3 hours and 12 minutes long. We originally intended to get it all in 2 hours, 30 minutes. The movies marketing didn't adequately prepare audiences...We didn't educate the South or the Midwest. In the West and the East, it played well in strong urban settings..."
Somewhere in deepest, darkest America, thousands of trailer parkers likely responded with something like this...

I guess I just imagined all those double and triple features I caught as a little kid at two different drive-in's in town when we moved here from New Port News, VA in the late 1970s. Never once do I recall my parents getting all "Duuuuuhhhhh" when the second or third movie started. "Oh, shit. Another movie?! What the fuck is this? I am so confused right now. You're puttin' me on. Six bucks for three movies?! Get out!"

You also can't expect to shoot a movie in a style imitating an antiquated art form and expect it to go over, or get through to a mainstream audience weaned on CGI infested action flicks and Harry Potter.
"That shit was raw...The shit was off the hook..." -- QT predicting his undercooked ode to 70s cinema stinking up the place.

Outside of being about little more than people talking about dicks, asses and movies and Tarantino basically insulting everybody who hasn't sat in front of a TV their entire lives, Here's the Venoms5 Notes for DEATH PROOF:
*Three uninteresting, obnoxious, pot smoking women sit around in a bar for over 40 minutes where they constantly talk about guys, fat asses, be obnoxious, smoke pot and give a guy a lap dance.
*Having spent nearly an hour with these girls and still not feeling any sympathy for them, they all get killed around the 45 minute mark by the guy they gave the lap dance to when he crashes into them with his '71 Chevy Nova.
*14 months pass and we meet four new girls who are even more boring than the ones before. Basically, the movie starts all over again for another hour of talking and shots of feet.
*30 minutes later we discover the road rage killer is still a part of the movie when he engages the new girls in the films lone action sequence.
*The girls end up being more crazy than he is. THE END.
The second half of this double feature with more DEATH PROOF, QT pissin' off Euro filmmakers and more of me being obnoxious continues in Part MUTHAFUCKIN' SIX.
Thanks for this. The whole idea that the movie failed because it was a double feature and/or because it's long is one of the most bullshit excuses I've ever heard.
You're quite welcome, Mike! And I agree. The words Tarantino and bullshit go hand in hand a lot, it seems.
I hated both films and find them unwatchable. Tarantino gets a lot more praise than he should and I think he quite often doesn't understand what makes the films he emulates work. Why make "grind house" films with cgi and then do the missing reel crap? If they really wanted to make exploitation movies then they should have done it with a limited budget.
I really can't stand Rodriguez. His first film is his best and he has yet to come close to that quality despite having a world of resources. The funny part is that he has all the technical skills to be good independent films but not directing. Him & Tarantino together turn into a stroke fest that no one seems able to stop, expect the paying movie public. Also quit wearing the cowboy hat/du rag, you're bald accept it.
Lol, preach it Django! This is most likely the biggest vanity project of QT's career. I didn't like his "war" movie either. It had a couple good parts here and there, but nowhere do I get the praise heaped onto that one, either. Considering all the zombieized, masturbatory worship heaped on DJANGO UNCHAINED, and all I've heard about it, I'm almost sure it won't be any different from hist output from KILL BILL onward -- lots of tonal shifts and self-indulgent jabbering.
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