William Smith (James Eastman), Michael Pataki (Caleb Croft/Professor Adrian Lockwood/Charles Kroydan), Lyn Peters (Anne Arthur), Diane Holden (Anita Jacoby), Lieux Dressler (Olga), Eric Mason (Lt. Panzer), Kitty Vallacher (Leslie/ 'The Unwilling Mother')
Directed by John Hayes
The Short Version: Possibly the first, and only vampire rapist movie to showcase a vampire who creates another via his sperm while the usual neck bite leaves only a corpse. The film has a wide reaching mythology, but much of this expository potential is drained of its life's blood leaving a few questions unanswered. As Drive In/Late Night fare goes, you can't go wrong with a film that features both Michael Pataki and William Smith as co-stars. Both men raise this film above its sleazy potentiality much the way Cushing and Lee did in their lesser pictures together. Fans of COUNT YORGA, VAMPIRE and 70s exploitation will want to sink their teeth into this one.
Caleb Croft inexplicably rises from his crypt and attacks a couple in their vehicle. Killing the boyfriend, the vampire then rapes the girl in an open grave. Nine months later, the woman gives birth to a disturbingly pale baby boy. Discovering by accident that the child needs blood to survive, the kid grows up with a hatred for his father. Seeking him out, the now grown James Eastman tracks Croft to a college where the vampire now masquerades as a professor of the occult.
GRAVE OF THE VAMPIRE is one of the more bizarre bloodsucker movies you're ever likely to see. This twisted tale of a vampires son tracking down his father to kill him is occasionally sickening, but with very little gore. It's the overall tone of the thing that allows a feeling of uneasiness to linger.
The ambitious script (written by David Chase, the future writer of both KOLCHAK and more famously with THE SOPRANOS) belies the films low budget, but there are lots of little details that are simply glossed over, or not covered at all. Still, these large holes in the plot nonetheless end up enhancing the exploitation appeal this one possesses in spades. Many of the unanswered questions involve the main vampire.
Generally, when vampires awaken from a slumber, the first thing they do is seek out warm blood. Croft does this, but also something very different. Not only does he put the bite on a young man, but he then turns his libidinous attention to the girl, Leslie. Having been "dead" for 30 years after being electrocuted (as we later learn), Caleb Croft is one horny vampire.
No explanation is given as to why nobody becomes a vampire after being bitten. While some of his victims are bitten first, others have their necks broken, or savaged by a sharp implement before he drinks from the gaping wound. Yet, as the way the story unfolds, only one other vampire is created, and done so in a noticeably creepy way -- Croft's evil seed is planted via his sperm!
This whole teasing bit makes absolutely zero sense. Not only that, but Croft apparently has no hypnotizing skills as per traditional bloodsuckers; but then, GRAVE OF THE VAMPIRE isn't a traditional vampire movie.
The film then introduces a police detective who very quickly assumes there's a vampire on the loose, and who is in some way familiar with the late Caleb Croft.
Then, at the 35 minute mark, things shift to the main thrust of the movie. The boy is now all grown up (the film begins in 1940) and in the form of one of the silver screens most imposing figures -- William Smith. We get a voiceover that informs us that James (Smith) has been searching for his father to avenge his mother, and has finally tracked him down to a university where he now makes a living(?) as a college professor; how he managed to obtain such a profession is never revealed.
William Smith needs no introduction here at CAC. In addition to bearing the label of 'King of the Biker Movies', he's been in innumerable television shows and movies playing virtually every sort of hero and villain. For GRAVE, Smith is the lead hero; something he would also play the following year in the exploitation gem INVASION OF THE BEE GIRLS (1973).
Below you'll find a list of 11 differences -- some minor and some major -- between the cable broadcast from several years ago and the recent Retromedia DVD. It's worth noting that in addition to the alterations listed below, the new DVD suffers from lots of missing frames and comes up around 52 seconds shorter than the GRAVE cable airing. However, the DVD compensates by containing some fleeting moments unavailable anywhere else.
Retromedia DVD |
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Showtime cable airing |
1. The first difference between the two versions occurs right from the start. The cable airing begins with an MGM logo while the Retromedia DVD begins with a warning label that's also a part of the films trailer. It's pictured above.
2. Approximately 9 seconds of dialog are absent on the Retromedia release -- the first significant piece of missing footage via print damage. This bit of dialog is present on the cable airing at 0:18:50. Olga is awakened by Leslie, 'The Unwilling Mother' as she's listed in the credits. Olga consoles her and says, "You just rest..." the Retromedia version picks up with "...everything'll be alright."
3. At 0:22:05 on the cable version, immediately following the hammer murder, there's a line of dialog present that's missing on the Retro DVD. Olga says, "Doctors pretend like they know everything." The Retromedia version is missing that, and picks up with "...pills... needles... talk... and the people wither away."
4. From 0:33:39 to 0:33:52 (on the Retro release) there's footage present on the Retromedia disc that is not accounted for in the cable airing. It's 13 seconds of additional shots of the breast cutting scene as well as a cutaway to the mother's face. The truncated breast cutting picks up at 0:33:57 in the cable airing.
5. Just prior to the hooker murder, there's about 4 additional seconds in the cable version of her walking away from Croft before she turns her head and sees him following her. The additional shots of Croft gulping blood present in some foreign videotape releases is missing from both versions discussed here.
6. From 0:51:31 to 0:51:39 the cable version includes footage not found on the Retromedia disc. These additional seconds include a longer scene of Croft coming into close up till his face is blurred with his fangs prepared to bury themselves into the librarian's neck. The scene then cuts to a party. There's a few seconds of people dancing before the Retro version picks up with Anita (Holden) opening the door to let James (Smith) in.
7. The cable broadcast contains an additional 4 seconds beginning at 0:57:36 of Anita Jacoby standing silently in thought after running off the names she now suspects all belong to her college professor, Adrian Lockwood. These spare seconds add nothing and are just dead air, so their MIA status on the Retro disc is better served for pacing.

9. At 1:16:00, the cable broadcast (pictured above) features a couple of seconds showing Croft and one of the seance participants adjusting themselves as they sit down. The Retro version cuts to a close up of Croft as soon as they all sit. Inconsequential, but noticeable.

11. The last difference are in a closing freeze frame of William Smith's now vampirized visage. The Retromedia release contains a 'The End, Or Is It?' title while the cable airing bears the same words, but in French, and on a black screen. The above left photo was cropped for sizing purposes.
Retromedia DVD running time: 1:29:46 (not including 'feature presentation' or 'warning' cards)
Showtime airing running time: 1:30:40 (not including MGM logo)
This review is representative of the Retromedia DVD.