Bryan Cranston (Joe Brody), Aaron Taylor-Johnson (Ford Brody), Ken Watanabe (Dr. Ishiro Serizawa), Elizabeth Olsen (Elle Brody), Sally Hawkins (Vivienne Graham), Juliette Binoche (Sandra Brody), David Strathairn (Admiral Stenz), Richard T. Jones (Captain Hampton)
Directed by Gareth Edwards
The Short Version: Godzilla roars a second time on North American shores, but it takes him an hour to get there; and even then, director Edwards doesn't allow the camera to stay on him long till the last 10 to 15 minutes. Reduced to a supporting player in his own movie, Godzilla looks good, and does the Tokyo Tango in San Fran with a happy couple of MUTO (Massive Unidentified Terrestrial Organisms), but if you've seen the directors talky, people-populated MONSTERS from 2010, you will have an idea what you're getting here. Once the smoke has settled, and the fires extinguished, an entertaining movie lies underneath all the incessant talking and rubble. The nods to the elder series are a nice, welcome touch, so it's not like the director isn't a fan. There's much to like here, and as much that's problematic, but on the whole, it's a good monster movie, just not a great one.

Japan's mightiest monster marches on American theater screens in loud, boisterous, and epic fashion after having went on hiatus in his native country back in 2004. After a disastrous Godzilla misfire in 1998, Warner Bros./Legendary Pictures gambles $160 million on the property, handing over directing reigns to British filmmaker Gareth Edwards. Getting the job after making an impression with an utterly boring movie from 2010 titled MONSTERS (of which there were very little), Edwards lets loose his expositional propensities on a genre not known for giving the bulk of its screen time to human characters all the while putting their moneymakers in the backseat.
While his take on the iconic monster is moderately less gabby compared with his earlier effort (there are far more characters that get to talk, talk, talk), the actors once more take precedence over the monsters. This should come as no surprise since the King of the Babblers, Quentin Tarantino, is among the directors influences. Occasionally something happens in GODZILLA to remind you that you are in fact watching a monster movie and not a drama about a family crisis.
Eventually the gigantic antagonists of the film, the MUTO, shows itself (Massive Unidentified Terrestrial Organism) and we hear a bit about the monster this movie is named after, but we don't see him till the film is half over. Much like the Hammer Dracula pictures with Christopher Lee, Godzilla is reduced to being a supporting character in his own showcase. The necessity for suspense applies in the case of the parasitic MUTO, but everyone has a general idea what Godzilla looks like already, so keeping him hidden for an hour was unncessary.
Eventually the gigantic antagonists of the film, the MUTO, shows itself (Massive Unidentified Terrestrial Organism) and we hear a bit about the monster this movie is named after, but we don't see him till the film is half over. Much like the Hammer Dracula pictures with Christopher Lee, Godzilla is reduced to being a supporting character in his own showcase. The necessity for suspense applies in the case of the parasitic MUTO, but everyone has a general idea what Godzilla looks like already, so keeping him hidden for an hour was unncessary.

On three or four occasions we're teased with a monster battle, but Edwards shies away from it every time. He either cuts to the Brody's and their predicament, or goes back to the military talking about what they're going to do, how they're going to do it, etc. We get lots of scenes of characters in peril, or the MUTO moving past them leading into a precarious situation; but an actual monster vs. monster skirmish doesn't come till the finale, and even then, Edwards can't help but cut away to people again. What's most confounding is that for all the talking scenes given to military personnel, there's very little military vs. monsters, either. Yet again, talking is the method of choice. There's simply no balance between the monster action and their interaction with the characters.

The MUTO monsters are an imposing duo. One of them is a flying beast, and smaller than the other larger, land roving monstrosity. Both monsters resemble Earth-born relatives to the CLOVERFIELD (2008) alien. The flat surfaced, triangular-shaped head favors Daiei's Gyaos (in their GAMERA series), especially the flying one. Unlike Gyaos, the MUTO don't like the taste of humans, and only eat food high in nuclear calories -- like bombs and stuff. Incidentally the MUTO get more screen time than Godzilla.

Aside from the monsters, the cast of characters are fine. Other than Emmy winning Bryan Cranston, nobody else really stands out, even though everybody gets to spout off their fair share of dialog. Cranston gets heavily into character so much, he'd do great in an actual Japanese monster movie with his intensity and heavy dose of melodramatics.

Arguably the biggest disappointment of GODZILLA 2014 is the cutting of Akira Takarada's scene. The actor, who had been campaigning for a role in the film since 2010, is as vital to the series as Godzilla is. Imagine having pushed to gain a role in a film for a series synonymous with your name, then get said role, only to later have it cut from the finished print. What makes it so baffling is that Edwards' explanation was that "there was a lot of pressure to get on with the adventure and get to the monsters, you know, as soon as you can." The problem is they don't get to the monsters as soon as they can; especially not the main one. And since Takarada is the lead star of the 1954 original, it only seems logical that he should be in this film; even better if he'd been cast as Serizawa instead of Watanabe.
Other than Watanabe's Serizawa name, there are a few other nods to Toho's series; mostly in that Godzilla is depicted as a protector of the planet. He seems even less interested in trampling people and buildings as his light-hearted 60s incarnation did. There's even a trace of Gamera-esque emotional attachment to humankind lurking below the depths of the script. There's a Japanese giant monster poster on the wall in little Ford Brody's room. There are two Mothra references -- one in a Japanese classroom depicting butterflies on a poster, and the name 'Mothra' on a tank in Brody's dilapidated house. The director even saw fit to plaster his last name on the side of a jet plane! Of the two American interpretations of Japan's most famous cinematic export, Gareth Edwards is the most Japanese friendly of the two.
Award winning composer Alexandre Desplat never echoes Akira Ifukube at any point in the movie, but delivers a bombastic score just as big and explosive as the monsters and the ensuing rampage. His score grabs your attention right from the start, and only excels from there.
Thankfully, above all else, an American studio finally got Godzilla right. Unfortunately, it's a bit on the talky side opting to feature its creatures to a lesser degree. Since the film has, as of this writing, surpassed its budget with Godzilla gobbling up approximately $200 million already, hopefully the filmmakers will see fit to give the big guy some feet for the inevitable sequel. Is GODZILLA (2014) recommended? Of course it is. Not only does it summarily destroy the memory of that '98 nonsense, but it does a good many things right, it just takes a long time to get to them.

Award winning composer Alexandre Desplat never echoes Akira Ifukube at any point in the movie, but delivers a bombastic score just as big and explosive as the monsters and the ensuing rampage. His score grabs your attention right from the start, and only excels from there.
Thankfully, above all else, an American studio finally got Godzilla right. Unfortunately, it's a bit on the talky side opting to feature its creatures to a lesser degree. Since the film has, as of this writing, surpassed its budget with Godzilla gobbling up approximately $200 million already, hopefully the filmmakers will see fit to give the big guy some feet for the inevitable sequel. Is GODZILLA (2014) recommended? Of course it is. Not only does it summarily destroy the memory of that '98 nonsense, but it does a good many things right, it just takes a long time to get to them.
I'm actually kinda okay on the talky side; they're not interesting people but the predicament is a nice twist to what we came to know and familiarized ourselves with.
Better save the best for last, as they always say, and that epic G vs MUTOs battle (and that cheesy duo-title given to Godzilla in the end) was worth the wait.
I wasn't disappointed at all as I expected it to be talky as hell considering the directors far more boring and thoroughly non-interesting MONSTERS from 2010.
I enjoyed it, only it didn't blow me away like it has some who've seen it. I'm glad it's doing well, of course.
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