Tom Skerritt (Casey), Michelle Phillips (Maggie), Shawn Stevens (Jon), Anne-Marie Martin (Wendy), Derek Partridge (Derek), Arthur Malet (MacGruder), Tana Helfer (Kristie), Vincent Isaac (Jurogi), Eva Kirrita (Tantsi)
Directed by Robert Collins
The Short Version: Killer lions roar in this US-Brazil-Kenyan co-production; an under-seen action-horror thriller in which Tom Skerritt must protect his family from a dozen or so hungry lions salivating for people burgers. Some instances of gore and violence seems to have been cut, but you do get to see some impressively disturbing shots of dummies filled with meat being dragged off and torn apart. These lions may have been difficult actors, but they take pride in their work. Fans of THE KILLER SHREWS will get a kick out of the climax. Reaping some suspenseful thrills, this HARVEST ends up a well paced B picture that was originally envisioned as something a bit more cerebral.
A devastating drought in Africa forces local workers to move to the city to survive and causes starving predators to seek out a new food source with humans next on the food chain. A pride of hungry lions lay siege to a house in Kenya in an attempt to sink their teeth into the human food trapped inside.

The filmmakers (particularly the editor) amass more than a few shock moments that balance the scale between a jump scare and tension. The lions are incredibly resourceful at finding ways to get inside the house even after their human targets have boarded up all the more accessible entry points. On the opposite end of the spectrum, some of the cast members do incredibly stupid things that allows them to be put in danger while upping the animal attack ante that is this films bread and butter.

Producer and co-writer Helfer, a famous animal trainer and behaviorist, as well as founder of Gentle Jungle, Inc., seems to want to guide the picture into a particular direction with its human-animal interaction, but this, too, is mostly abandoned amidst lots of screaming, roaring, and strewn viscera.

Tana Helfer (above far right) is the daughter of producer Ralph Helfer. A fascinating woman, she grew up with animals and eventually became a trainer, a stunt woman for films utilizing them, and the author of the book 'When You Fight the Tiger'. She plays Kristie, the young tennis player and daughter to Skerritt's character. She still lives in Kenya. Her mother wrote a book as well, titled 'The Gentle Jungle'.
Prior to appearing in SAVAGE HARVEST, the gorgeous Anne-Marie Martin went by her real name of Eddie Benton. Some of her genre credits include roles in PROM NIGHT (1980) and THE BOOGENS (1981). She auditioned for the role Princess Leia in STAR WARS (1977), and found greater fame on television programs like DAYS OF OUR LIVES and SLEDGE HAMMER!
The director of photography, Ronnie Taylor, went on to perform camera duties on high profile pictures like GANDHI (1982) and HIGH ROAD TO CHINA (1983); and some of Dario Argento's movies such as OPERA (1987), THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA (1998), and SLEEPLESS (2001).
Considering the rarity of this movie, I became interested in learning a bit more about its making aside from what was available in vintage magazine articles. I contacted the films makeup artist, William Munns, and he was kind enough to answer questions about his career, including SAVAGE HARVEST. Below are the questions and answers pertaining to this film.
William Munns: Working with the animals was one of my most enjoyable experiences. I even got to work a bit as a trainer, for the sequence where the family tries to escape the house in a constructed sort of cage they are inside, with several lions outside. They used five young female lions which were somewhat trained, but they had only four trainers, so I was allowed to be trainer 5 for the fifth lion. After each take, we;d each go in and throw a chain around the neck of one lioness, and lead it away from the scene while the scene was reset or cameras moved. And doing makeup on Dandy, the main lion, was fun because he really was an incredibly tame and friendly male lion.
WM: I don't recall its rating, but I did make quite a few body parts for people eaten by lions, but the film didn't show much of those things. I can't recall anything that would have justified an 'R' rating back then.
WM: The Derek mannequin was a poly-foam head from a life-cast of Derek, poly-foam arms, and then the entire body wardrobe was simply filled with meat. The producers delivered a 1/4 cow to my makeup room on set and my assistant and I carved up this 1/4 cow and packed it into the wardrobe of the body. The lions really loved tearing it apart. The lion prosthetic blown up I don't recall seeing either, except a real fast cut where you might see it for a split second.
V5: How much of your work was cut and were there any FX sequences that had to be dropped for time and budget?
WM: I don't recall exactly what all I did, so I can't say what was cut. My plan was to build a lot of "just in case" options and then put together what is needed on the location. So I had life casts and face masks to double all the main actors, and several mannequins as well.
WM: The only serious accident was with a young lioness and the black woman, Eva Kirrita, because the plan was originally to let the real actors interact with the trained lions, so her attack by a lioness went wrong and the lioness accidentally bit her in the leg, making a puncture wound in her thigh. As soon as that happened, the producers reversed policy and said no actors could work with real lions, so only trainers could (using my actor double face masks) and the real actors could only interact with me in my lion costume. It's me mauling Derek in his close up fighting the lion, and it's me wrestling with Tom Skerritt on the porch. Only Tana Helfer was allowed to work with Dandy, because she had been raised with him and knew exactly how to work with him.
WM: Tom was promised he could work with the real lions, and that was one of the reasons he accepted the part. Once the accident above occurred, with Eva, the producer said no actors work with lions, Tom was very disappointed. The fact that he had to wrestle me in a lion costume instead of a real lion was one of his major disappointments.

Considering the rarity of this movie, I became interested in learning a bit more about its making aside from what was available in vintage magazine articles. I contacted the films makeup artist, William Munns, and he was kind enough to answer questions about his career, including SAVAGE HARVEST. Below are the questions and answers pertaining to this film.
Venoms5: I've read about your love of animals and working with them, so was this a pleasant experience working on this picture?
William Munns: Working with the animals was one of my most enjoyable experiences. I even got to work a bit as a trainer, for the sequence where the family tries to escape the house in a constructed sort of cage they are inside, with several lions outside. They used five young female lions which were somewhat trained, but they had only four trainers, so I was allowed to be trainer 5 for the fifth lion. After each take, we;d each go in and throw a chain around the neck of one lioness, and lead it away from the scene while the scene was reset or cameras moved. And doing makeup on Dandy, the main lion, was fun because he really was an incredibly tame and friendly male lion.
V5: Was Dandy another name for Zamba? Or was that a different lion entirely?
WM: Dandy and zamba are different lions. Zamba was Ralph's first and
probably best lion, and he starred with Pamela Franklin in the movie THE LION (1962). If you want to know a lot more
about Ralph's animals, get 'The Gentle Jungle' by Toni Helfer, (Ralph's
first wife and she was married to him when we did Savage harvest) and it
describes Zamba in detail. It also describes an incredible elephant
named Modoc.
V5: What was the budget and how long did you work on the film?
WM: I don't know what the budget was, but it wasn't big. The producers got some financial concessions and support from Brazil to encourage US producers to make movies in Brazil, and so that's where we filmed, in a small town called Vassouras which was about 2-3 hours drive outside Rio de Janeiro. I had about 6-8 weeks prep to build the prosthetics, and we were on location in Brazil for 8 weeks.
WM: I don't know what the budget was, but it wasn't big. The producers got some financial concessions and support from Brazil to encourage US producers to make movies in Brazil, and so that's where we filmed, in a small town called Vassouras which was about 2-3 hours drive outside Rio de Janeiro. I had about 6-8 weeks prep to build the prosthetics, and we were on location in Brazil for 8 weeks.
V5: I noticed photos in old magazines and film stills
display images of gore and violence not in the release version. I also
noticed in a NYT review from May 23rd, 1981, Vincent Canby states the
film is R rated, yet domestic posters have PG on them. Is this a mistake
on the reviewers part, or was the film re-submitted to tone down these
WM: I don't recall its rating, but I did make quite a few body parts for people eaten by lions, but the film didn't show much of those things. I can't recall anything that would have justified an 'R' rating back then.

V5: The scenes with the lions dragging off the dummies
were particularly striking. I've got an interview with you in an old
Fangoria magazine and one of the dummies (I believe of actor Derek
Partridge) is incredibly life-like from the photo. Was shooting these
types of scenes particularly difficult? I also recall a dummy lion built
to be blown up, but it's not seen in the film.
WM: The Derek mannequin was a poly-foam head from a life-cast of Derek, poly-foam arms, and then the entire body wardrobe was simply filled with meat. The producers delivered a 1/4 cow to my makeup room on set and my assistant and I carved up this 1/4 cow and packed it into the wardrobe of the body. The lions really loved tearing it apart. The lion prosthetic blown up I don't recall seeing either, except a real fast cut where you might see it for a split second.
V5: How much of your work was cut and were there any FX sequences that had to be dropped for time and budget?
WM: I don't recall exactly what all I did, so I can't say what was cut. My plan was to build a lot of "just in case" options and then put together what is needed on the location. So I had life casts and face masks to double all the main actors, and several mannequins as well.

V5: Were there any accidents or close calls on the set while working with the lions?
WM: The only serious accident was with a young lioness and the black woman, Eva Kirrita, because the plan was originally to let the real actors interact with the trained lions, so her attack by a lioness went wrong and the lioness accidentally bit her in the leg, making a puncture wound in her thigh. As soon as that happened, the producers reversed policy and said no actors could work with real lions, so only trainers could (using my actor double face masks) and the real actors could only interact with me in my lion costume. It's me mauling Derek in his close up fighting the lion, and it's me wrestling with Tom Skerritt on the porch. Only Tana Helfer was allowed to work with Dandy, because she had been raised with him and knew exactly how to work with him.

V5: I've read that Tom Skerritt disliked having been in the movie. Is this true?
WM: Tom was promised he could work with the real lions, and that was one of the reasons he accepted the part. Once the accident above occurred, with Eva, the producer said no actors work with lions, Tom was very disappointed. The fact that he had to wrestle me in a lion costume instead of a real lion was one of his major disappointments.
V5: Was Helfer (or his daughter for that matter) satisfied with the finished product?
WM: As far as I know, Ralph and Tana were satisfied with the film. Not many other people were. I was satisfied with my work and the experience, but I found the movie boring when I finally saw it in its release version.

If you are fond of 'Animal Amuck' movies, SAVAGE HARVEST is one you will definitely want to add to your list. There are far worse films out there, and particularly in this sub-genre, so it's a shame it remains largely unseen and unappreciated. While the film has some gruesome moments, those expecting a lot of gore will be disappointed. For that, you'll find it in the Italian made WILD BEASTS (1984), another late-blooming killer animal movie. Flawed, but highly engaging, this HARVEST reaps what it sows--pure B movie entertainment.
The scenes of the two Beatles songs being belted out(by a few of the cast members) is possibly one of the main reasons why we've never seen this entertaining film out on VHS video,DVD,or even MOD DVD,for I'm sure that Shout! Factory would heavily promote the film if they lucked in on landing it as one of their future DVD/Blu Ray releases.
Hi, Steven. I mention that at the end of the second paragraph from the bottom. I read somewhere that apparently Shout had stated that was the reason they wouldn't touch it. I would definitely buy it--whether here or overseas--should it show up one day.
Skerritt, was also in a lil bitty film called M*A*S*H. Can't leave out that one!
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