"Now people say to me, 'How could you make such a violent film?' Then I ask them to tell me where they actually saw any violence in [HALLOWEEN]. But the film itself is such an intense experience that people feel that they've been violated."--John Carpenter interview, Fangoria #8, October 1980

That's not to say the dryness, the absurdness of succeeding entries in the other franchises haven't yielded preposterous results, though. For example, the TCM series introduced some bizarre Illuminati-like organization controlling the Sawyer clan.
Meanwhile, over at Camp Crystal Lake, Jason Voorhees became the most worldly serial slasher without sacrificing his humble beginnings. Over the course of 11 films he battled a telekinetic teen; took a cruise to New York; went to Hell; battled Freddy Krueger, and finally, into outer space!
To give credit where it's due, Pinhead and his inter-dimensional clutch of sadomasochists were the first man-iacs into space.
As for the aforementioned Elm Street, Freddy Krueger stayed mostly the same. Other than a 3D gimmick and one entry depicting the film world and reality overlapping one another, the only thing differentiating one sequel from the next was what sort of elaborate, stand-up comedy routines the filmmakers would come up with for the nightmare sequences.

Below is a listing of qualities that catapulted the HALLOWEEN series into our pop culture lexicon; and the more retarded instances that begged the question, "What were they thinking?" This is all strictly opinionated, of course; and includes thoughts from my first time seeing some of the early films as a kid.
"There was no inspiration involved at all. [John Carpenter] pretty much puppeteered me through the whole film. John suggested that I add that little cock of my head so that it would look as if Michael was an artist admiring his work."--Nick Castle on playing Michael Myers in HALLOWEEN (1978). Fangoria #88, November 1989

2. Shots of Michael Myers standing stationary is an unnerving image (possibly influenced by similar actions by the Nazi zombies in SHOCK WAVES). The same can be said for the plethora of "He's right behind you!" moments generously spread throughout the picture. It became a staple for the succeeding entries.
"We went back to the old idea of Samhain, that Halloween was the night where all the souls are let out to wreck havoc on the living, and then came up with the story about the most evil kid who ever lived."--Debra Hill, Fangoria #138, November 1994
"We went back to the old idea of Samhain, that Halloween was the night where all the souls are let out to wreck havoc on the living, and then came up with the story about the most evil kid who ever lived."--Debra Hill, Fangoria #138, November 1994

4. One of the greatest assets of HALLOWEEN is its music by director John Carpenter. Next to John Williams's music for JAWS (1975), Carpenter's cues are among the most recognizable ever composed. Like JAWS, Carpenter's music enhances the onscreen horror. Outside of Spielberg's movie, it's the only horror film I can watch multiple times and it still gives me the creeps. Years ago I was watching it in an apartment I was renting. On more than one occasion, I kept looking up at the stairs behind me! Listening to the JAWS theme makes me think twice about entering the ocean; the music of HALLOWEEN gives the same feeling; but in this case, it's not knowing what's around the corner in the darkness.
5. HALLOWEEN (1978) is that rare horror film without any dumb moments in it. It's as close to perfection as you can get in this genre. Some fans have made an issue over Michael driving a car, though (something he does in multiple sequels). While it's a reasonable complaint that a kid who has spent several years in a loony bin has never had the opportunity to commandeer one, the script at least acknowledges that he had to of learned it somewhere. Still, if we can buy into Michael Myers being pure evil--a quasi-supernatural force, we can buy his skills behind the wheel.

7. One of horror cinema's great shock moments comes at the end when Michael Myers, after taking six bullets from Dr. Loomis and falling two stories, gets up and walks away. Thinking the Boogeyman is finally dead, there's a sense of relief on Loomis's face that turns to one of cold, hard doom upon the realization that Evil is still out there.
Michael Myers: Nick Castle; Tommy Lee Wallace (breaking into the closet); Jim Windum (falling off the house); Tony Moran (unmasked)
Domestic box office: $47,000,000 (adjusted for inflation: $183,581,200)
HALLOWEEN 2 (1981)

"You have to try hard to maintain the style of the first movie. I wanted [HALLOWEEN 2] to feel like a two-parter. My philosophy was to do more of a thriller than a slasher movie."--Rick Rosenthal interview
1. Even though it's directed by Rick Rosenthal (his first movie), writer and producer John Carpenter's presence is felt from the first frame to the last. Ironically, while Carpenter's HALLOWEEN is praised for its focus on suspense and lack of bloody violence, it was Carpenter who raised the gore quotient for the sequel by shooting some additional kill scenes. Meanwhile, Rosenthal wanted to retain that spooky ambiance without the gore. Reportedly, the two filmmakers had a heated relationship during production.
2. The atmosphere of H2 is thoroughly unpleasant. From the gore, to the
darkly lit hospital, to the kid who bites into a razorblade-laced
apple, to the sudden death of Ben Tramer (mentioned in the first movie has being set up on a date with Laurie Strode), this sequel is nothing if not

5. H2 is an example of a sequel done to near perfection--it replicates what made the original so memorable while expanding on the mythos without venturing outside the rules laid down before it. Interestingly enough, the few sequels that stuck to formula ended up making good money at the box office.
6. Director Rick Rosenthal married actress Nancy Stephens during filming. She played Nurse Marion Chambers in the first two movies, and in HALLOWEEN H20 in 1998.

8. Additional notes: In magazine pieces at the time, H2 was announced to take place inside a high-security, luxurious apartment complex; and was originally planned as a 3D production. At the beginning, Loomis repeatedly shouts, "I shot him six times!" If you count the number of gunshots, an editing mistake allows Loomis to shoot Myers seven times instead of six.
Michael Myers: Dick Warlock
Domestic box office: $25,533,818 (adjusted for inflation: $83,949,300)
"I wouldn't mind making a whole career out of being in just horror movies."--Tom Atkins, Fangoria #22, October 1982
"I wouldn't mind making a whole career out of being in just horror movies."--Tom Atkins, Fangoria #22, October 1982

2. As kids who were able to see it at that time, there was a lunchroom conspiracy going around at my school that the guy who kills the lady with the drill was actually Michael Myers. They did miss a golden opportunity for a sight gag showing somebody wearing a Michael Myers mask, though.

5. Vilified during its original release, an appreciation for H3 was slow in coming. Without the in-title-only association, H3 might have performed better. Over the years, its reputation has, like a fine wine, improved with age.
6. The three masks seen in the movie became nearly as famous as the Michael Myers mask: a luminescent green witch; a day-glo orange jack-o'-lantern; and a glow-in-the-dark skull. Don Post Studios mass produced them for the films release. If you bought Fangoria at that time, you will remember the advertisements.
Domestic box office: $14,400,000 (adjusted for inflation: $44,767,300)
HALLOWEEN III: SEASON OF THE WITCH may have been a massive disappointment to fans but, ironically, the series would veer far away from what made the first movie the sublime horror film it is once they brought Michael Myers back.

2. There's some tinkering done with The Shape--molding into him a level of sophistication normally afforded Jason Voorhees. Myers is always where he couldn't possibly be; and he now has a near superhuman level of strength that is displayed at the beginning when he jams his thumb through a guy's skull.

5. Considering H3 performed poorly because of the absence of its signature
slasher, H4 wasn't a huge success for a series that was bringing him
back after a six year hiatus.
1988 was a bum year for horror's major franchise players. FRIDAY 7s decomposing, zombie-fied Jason, still confined to Camp Crystal Lake, dueled to the death with a CARRIE-style teen before a dumb ending put him down till the next sequel that had an even dumber ending; NIGHTMARE 4, the one where Freddy came back to life after a dog pisses fire on him, officially launched Krueger's stand-up comedy career. The HALLOWEEN series would soon put these to shame.
Michael Myers: George P. Wilbur
Domestic box office: $17,768,757 (adjusted for inflation: $39,514,900)
"I have a lot of problems with where this film is going. At the core of all these HALLOWEEN films is a very stupid story. I mean, here we have this Michael Myers character. Over the space of four films, he's been hit by more than 500 rounds of gunfire, burned, blown up and thrown down a well, and yet he's still running around. If that isn't a stupid story, I don't know what is."--Donald Pleasence interview, Fangoria #87, October 1989

2. European filmmaker Dominique Othenin Girard (NIGHT ANGEL) got the H5 gig through Debra Hill. In his defense, he captured a meager amount of a spooky visual climate, but never wrangles the spirit of the holiday. He does succeed in tapping into a meager amount of nastiness that hadn't been seen since Rick Rosenthal's H2 from eight years prior.
3. Outside of a harrowing chase during the finale, the best moment of H5 is the film's unsettling opening sequence. It captures a stunning amount of tension only to lose it right after.
"I'm going to miss playing Loomis. I've been this character for a long time. He's the only continuing film character I've ever played. I will most definitely be sorry to see him go."--Donald Pleasence interview, Fangoria #87, October 1989
4. Donald Pleasence's famed Dr. Loomis character was originally slated to die in H5. Initially, Pleasence seemed pleased with the script (co-written by director Othenin-Girard), but after numerous clashes with the director, Pleasence later disliked this entry of all the ones he acted in.
6. Michael Myers takes the mask off and sheds a tear at one point. This was the second time you'd get a brief glimpse of his face (seen the first time near the beginning). He also tries out for Nascar for an irritatingly lengthy amount of the film's running time. Elsewhere, somebody thought inserting cartoon sound effects for two bumbling cops was a good idea.
Michael Myers: Donald L. Shanks
Domestic box office: $11,642,254 (adjusted for inflation: $26,803,600)

2. H6 had a strong opening (debuting at #2) but took a nosedive in its 2nd week, dropping 66%. There was little to no improvement on what H5 brought to the table. At that time, a barely-seen Producers Cut was available on the bootleg market. This version was considered preferable to the theatrical, but in either form, H6 is cursed from beginning to end.
3. Danielle Harris was originally set to reprise her role as Jamie but both parties could not come to terms on contract details.
5. Additional notes: Moustapha Akkad intended to shoot H6 immediately after H5 but the production was delayed for five years due to a legal battle over series rights. H6 had nine different endings written for it.
"The first [HALLOWEEN] still remains the best. I thought II also had its share of fine moments. Part 4 seemed to make some steps back to getting things on track. But 5? It was just rubbish."--Donald Pleasence during filming of H6, Fangoria #147, October 1995
Michael Myers: George P. Wilbur (A. Michael Lerner in reshoots)
Domestic box office: $15,116,634 (adjusted for inflation: $31,762,300)
HALLOWEEN: H20 (1998)
"This is very much like the first HALLOWEEN. That movie was beautifully told and so is this one... I never saw 4,5, or 6 and, quite frankly, HALLOWEEN 2 stinks. It's a terrible movie. I should never have done it. The only reason I did it was out of loyalty to John and Debra. But it was definitely a mistake."--Jaime Lee Curtis, Fangoria 176, September 1998
"This is very much like the first HALLOWEEN. That movie was beautifully told and so is this one... I never saw 4,5, or 6 and, quite frankly, HALLOWEEN 2 stinks. It's a terrible movie. I should never have done it. The only reason I did it was out of loyalty to John and Debra. But it was definitely a mistake."--Jaime Lee Curtis, Fangoria 176, September 1998

3. Originally, the filmmakers had intended on bringing the character of Dr. Loomis back. This was abandoned as was a cop character (to have been played by Charles Dutton) tracking Michael Myers. This leaves the film to revolve entirely around Curtis as the main protagonist, although the cop character would crop up in the 2018 reboot.
4. The success of the annoying SCREAM series was instrumental in H20 getting the prestigious treatment it did. Moreover, the SCREAMs ushered in the dull promotional style for horror movie posters that this film, and the next one, goes with. Even so, without Wes Craven's wildly popular slasher, H20 may not of been as good as it is, if it even got made at all.

6. This was the first HALLOWEEN film I saw in the theater since RETURN in 1988. We all had a great time seeing it as seemingly everyone else in the packed theater. I remember feeling this was a great way to end the series...
"You've got to see this movie to decide if this is the end of the HALLOWEEN series or not. I don't know how they could go on with it. We tie everything up. This movie is about as final as you can get."--Director Steve Miner, Fangoria 176, September 1998
Michael Myers: Chris Durand
Domestic box office: $55,041,738 (adjusted for inflation: $107,266,800)

4. The film did get creative by tapping into social media--using a "reality show" template, body-cameras, and surveillance cameras
as gimmicks. It was a nice touch that added a modicum of ingenuity to what was Myers seventh slaughter-thon.
5. RESURRECTION is possibly the most derided film in the series despite the utter scraping of barrels in H5 and H6 and the trips to the outhouse when Rob Zombie takes over. In all fairness, Busta Rhymes having a kung fu fight with Myers is one of the low points in a series that periodically reveled in them.
6. If you're a fan of Kung Fu movies, you'll recognize Chang Cheh's THE DUEL (1971) playing on the television in Busta Rhymes's hotel room.

8. Additional notes: Rick Rosenthal had directed 1981s H2 twenty years earlier. A Loomis-inspired character named Donaldson was part of an early draft but was later removed. Director Rosenthal replaced original director Whitney Ransick.
Michael Myers: Brad Loree
Domestic box office: $30,354,442 (adjusted for inflation: $47,752,100)

3. Danielle Harris (child actress of H4 and H5) returned to the series, co-starring in both of Zombie's seasonal slashers as Annie, the character originally played by Nancy Loomis.
4. The filmmakers did at least deliver an impressive mask for Giant Myers (Tyler Mane is near 7 feet tall) to wear.
5. Zombie's remake was profitable compared to the previous few movies. This was likely due to people being curious as to what the singer-filmmaker would do with the material since, realistically speaking, Carpenter's seminal film was the polar opposite of what RZ had done before. By the time his version hit theaters in August of 2007, horror fans got the exact same type of movie he'd done two times earlier.

Michael Myers: Tyler Mane
Domestic box office: $58,272,029 (adjusted for inflation: $77,413,700)
HALLOWEEN 2 (2009)
2. Scout Taylor-Compton went from playing Laurie Strode as a teenager faking orgasms while fingering donuts in front of her mother to playing a basket case who says the F word a lot.
4. Zombie's H2 has two different versions just like the mess he made in 2007.
5. Uniformly rejected by most fans, the low returns indicated we would all be spared the completion of a Zombie trilogy with Homeless Myers, crazed hillbillies, and a deluge of F Bombs comin' at ya' in HALLOWEEN 3D.
Michael Myers: Tyler Mane
Domestic box office: $33,392,973 (adjusted for inflation: $40,872,400)
"This was as good as I've seen since we did the first movie."--John Carpenter

2. There's nods to other films in the series including numerous homages to the original; the masks of H3; and, among others, a similar bathroom sequence to the one from H20. There's even a below-the-belt jab at the plot reveal of Michael and Laurie's family ties from 1981s H2. Ultimately, the movie feels a lot like a revised version of Steve Miner's HALLOWEEN H20 from 1998.

4. The Dr. Sartain character is a welcome interpretation of Dr. Loomis (even down to the actor sounding a lot like Donald Pleasence!) till a wildly erratic plot twist towards the end ruins the characterization.

6. The way the film ends, there is definitely room for another sequel. At this point, any attempt at finality (such as H20s Myers decap) will result in some scriptwriter finding a ludicrous method of resurrection; or the series can simply wipe the slate clean and start over again.
Michael Myers: Nick Castle
Domestic box office: $132,338,410 (as of October 30th)